Sunday, 17 December 2017

माथप्रॉफ फॉरेक्सप्रो

समर्थन और प्रतिरोध रणनीति द्विआधारी विकल्प एफएक्स व्यापार रणनीतियों यूट्यूब इलेक्ट्रॉनिक ट्रेडिंग सिस्टम वित्तीय बाजारों कैसे एक विकल्प शुरू करने के लिए व्यापार व्यापार द्विआधारी विकल्प डेटा फ़ीड विदेशी मुद्रा सुबह संकेतक संकेतक के साथ व्यापार व्यापार व्यापारी बाइनरी विकल्प कैरा विक्रेता, कोई जमा बोनस, instaforex, भारत में ट्रेडिंग विदेशी मुद्रा कानूनी अतिरिक्त ईआर फ़ॉरेक्स एचकेएक्स ऑप्शंस ट्रेडिंग नियम कम फैल नहीं फॉरेंड्स फॉरेक्स ब्रोकर फॉरेक्स बैंककॉर्ट एग्ज़िटिव ट्रेडिंग फॉरेक्स याक्स हमें विनियमित बाइनरी ऑप्शन ब्रोकर क्वेंएस फॉरेक्स ट्रेडिंग फॉरेक्स बनाम सिस्टम फ्री डाउनलोड फॉरेक्स डॉलर स्विस क्रोना बायनरी विकल्प करोड़पति व्यापारियों को द्विआधारी विकल्पों में हर व्यापार कैसे जीतना है टेक्निक फॉरेक्स हाफिजैट शीर्ष 5 विदेशी मुद्रा रोबोट 2013 स्टॉक और ऑप्शंस ट्रेडिंग LLC विदेशी मुद्रा कॉम एपीआई समीक्षा दिन एक विकल्प के जीवन में व्यापार प्रणाली प्रणाली व्यापार विदेशी मुद्रा ट्रिगर समर्थक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार प्रणाली डाउनलोड विदेशी मुद्रा दलाल ब्रिटेन आधारित फॉरेक्स ब्रोकरर्स के कैफ़े सूची चलती औसत बॉलिंगर बैंड बेसिक्स विदेशी मुद्रा और वित्तीय समाधान pvt. ltd सोने फू टायर व्यापार रणनीतियों विदेशी मुद्रा ओ जेरा कर मिलियनर स्टॉक ऑप्शंस ब्लैक स्कॉल्स मॉडल भारतीय फॉरेक्स मार्केट स्ट्रक्चर फिक्स्ड फॉरेक्स डिपोमो मिनिमो फ़ॉरेक्स ट्रेडिंग कोर्स इन चंदीगढ़ विंडोज 7 फ़ॉरेक्स डेस्कटॉप गैजेट फॉरेक्स अल्ट्रा स्कैपर 2.0 फ्री डाउनलोड बायनरी ऑप्शन ट्रेडिंग साइट स्क्रिप्ट स्टॉक ऑप्शन टैक्सेशन स्पैन ओपनकार्ट ऑप्शन्स स्टॉक कंट्रोल विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार विश्वविद्यालय ब्रिटेन एनएसई विकल्प ट्रेडिंग सॉफ्टवेयर रोबोट ट्रेडिंग विदेशी मुद्रा सॉफ्टवेयर विदेशी मुद्रा ओसीसी पीडीएफ लॉट आकार कैलकुलेटर विदेशी मुद्रा विदेशी मुद्रा पीएच संपर्क नंबर विदेशी मुद्रा और प्रोग्रामिंग सॉफ्टवेयर दलाल विदेशी मुद्रा मलेशिया व्यापार विदेशी मुद्रा नी कोस कार्ला मेलकुकन ट्रांसकसी फॉरेक्स क्रैज़ी उत्सुक अगर आप रात भर ठंड में खड़े हो सकते हैं पेशाब की जरूरत नहीं है, Ive तुम्हारे लिए एक सौदा मिला लेकिन सिर्फ अगर आप दस मिनट में 600,000 छोड़ सकते हैं। तब आप अपने आप को मुक्त कर सकते हैं दस रात पहले जैफ़र्सन वन में आपका स्वागत है, बर्फ में, सींग का एक अजीब, भ्रमकारी लोग रिचमंड हिल के रूप में जाने वाले जीटीए अंतर-क्षेत्र में एक बिक्री ट्रेलर के सामने 30 घंटे तक खड़े थे। कुछ भी नहीं दिया जा रहा था लाइन में पहले के लिए कोई पुरस्कार नहीं एक बार दरवाजे खोल दिए गए और भीड़ के अंदर घुमाया गया, बाहर गहरी फ्रीज में सौहार्द ने हताश प्रतिस्पर्धा में बदल दिया, जैसे ढीले हुए जैकेट वाले घुड़दौड़ रूप से मैप टेबल के आसपास धक्का लगा और कुर्सी पर कब्जा करने के अधिकार के लिए धक्का लगा और खरीद के प्रस्ताव पर अपने नामों को दोहराते हुए। टोरंटो के दूर के उपनगर में 32 फीट के रूप में चिमनी के रूप में लॉट के रूप में 700,000 से ज्यादा के लिए औसतन बेची गई घरों की एक नई रिहाई के बाद वे क्या पसंद करते थे। यह आयोजन भव्यता, धक्का, तत्काल खरीद और स्पष्ट हताशा के लिए उल्लेखनीय था। ऐसा लगता था कि जब वे मिल गए तो हर किसी को चिंतित था, एक खिलाड़ी ने मुझे बताया। छोटी महिलाएं मुझे एक नक्शा स्क्वायर पर एक लाल डॉट में फंसने के लिए बॉडीकेकिंग कर रही थीं। अविश्वसनीय। अधिक उल्लेखनीय तथ्य यह था कि इस रेखा के किसी भी व्यक्ति ने पहले से ही निर्मित एक समान घर के एक इत्मीनान से दिखाया जा सकता था, और बाजार में पुनर्विक्रय के रूप में, इस विकास के पहले के एक चरण में। और सबसे अविश्वसनीय यह देश के एक हिस्से में ग्रामीण टोरंटो है, जहां अनगिनत हजारों नए घरों का निर्माण हो रहा है, जहां बेघर खेत की विशाल आपूर्ति घरेलू परिवारों को खायी जा रही है जो खाद्य लागतों की चिंता करते हैं। कुछ लोग सुझाव देते हैं कि जेफरसन वन में क्या हुआ यह सबूत है कि कोई आवास सुधार, कोई बुलबुला फटा नहीं, चिंता का कोई कारण नहीं है और आगे के सबूत हैं कि इस ब्लॉग को खारिज किया जाना चाहिए और एक तेज छड़ी पर लटका दिया जाना चाहिए। लेकिन मुझे नहीं लगता कि यह वाकई 1 9 8 9 में एक शीतकालीन शाम के एक टन की याद दिलाता है जब मैं मिसिसॉगा में एक धूमिल, पवन-व्हीप्ड और ब्लिझार्डी फील्ड में एक बिक्री ट्रेलर के लिए कबूतर करता हूं। जमे हुए गंदगी में छिड़कने वाले छोटे लाल बालों के जंगल के बीच में करीब पांच दर्जन युवा जोड़े थे, एक नया घर खरीदने के लिए उनके पांच मिनट के भीतर कांपना और प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे। जैसा कि मैंने उनमें से कुछ का साक्षात्कार लिया (मैं उस समय एक रिपोर्टर का एक बड़ा हिस्सा था), उपखंड के प्रभारी झटके हमारे पीछे की दीवार पर एक नया बैनर उगाह रहे थे, 15,000 रुपये की कीमतों में जिक्र। भीड़ gasped, और आगे धक्का दिया पांच महीने बाद, अचल संपत्ति के बुलबुले को छेदा गया था। एक साल बाद, बाजार गड़बड़ी में था यह औसत घर की कीमत के लिए लगभग 15 वर्षों का समय ले जाएगा, जिस पर उस शिखर पर पहुंचेगा, जिस पर उस रात बैठे थे जब इतने सारे लोग खरीदने के लिए बेताब थे। यह ही है जो लोग करते हैं। वे कीमतों का पीछा करते हैं भीड़ आम सहमति पर पहुंचते हैं कि पिछले वर्ष या अंतिम 15 मिनट में जो कुछ हुआ है, वह अब लगातार हो जाएगा अधिकांश खतरे की कल्पना नहीं कर सकते हैं, जब अन्य लोगों द्वारा एक ही बात करते हुए घिरे हुए होते हैं इसके कारण नॉर्थेल या ब्रैक्स एक्स स्टॉक खरीदने के लिए भीड़ थी, 1999 में लाभहीन डॉट कॉम या रिचमंड में एक साल पहले बदसूरत घर थे। भीड़ एक सामूहिक निर्णय करने के लिए आता है, और फिर मुक्त इच्छा खो दिया है लगभग हमेशा, यह भीड़ गलत हो जाता है इसकी भी वजह है कि आधुनिक समय में बिक्री का सबसे बड़ा प्रवाह 9 मार्च, 200 9 को हुआ था। जब लाखों निवेशकों ने अरबों की वित्तीय परिसंपत्तियों में एक लहर में उतार दिया जिससे खुद का आतंक पैदा हो गया। सोमवार को डाउ को 12 साल का निचला स्तर मिला। अगले दिन यह 5.8 पर पहुंच गया एक साल बाद यह 50 से अधिक था। विक्रेताओं को रेत में बढ़ा दिया गया था। खरीदार को मौके दिए गए थे रिचमंड हिल में क्या हुआ, इसके अनोखे उन्माद के साथ, यह एक चेतावनी थी एक अग्रदूत 25 9 टिप्पणियां darr 1 अन्ना एडमसन 02.22.12 पर 10:00 बजे पागल बिल्कुल नट्स 3 कुकी मैसेंजर 02.22.12 पर 10:03 बजे उह, I8217ve को फेसबुक में प्रवेश करना बंद करना पड़ा। मेरे बीच बिसवां दशा के मुकाबले, जो छह महीने पहले सभी विवाहित बग को पकड़े गए, वे सभी नए घर के उन्माद में गिर गए हैं और सभी एफबी पर इसे फिसलने लगा रहे हैं। मैं आश्चर्यचकित हूं कि कैसे एक रिंग रोड बनाया जा रहा है ताकि लोग ई-शहर के चारों ओर ड्राइव कर सकें जिससे लोग हाइवे के बगल में सभी नए प्री सेल्स खरीदने के लिए तैयार हो जाते हैं क्योंकि 8220 प्रेजेस कहीं नहीं जायेंगे लेकिन 8221 आगे के सबूत हैं कि यदि आप बिक्री प्रस्तुति केंद्र , you8217re शायद और मूर्ख 5 pathcontrolmonk 02.22.12 बजे 10:05 बजे। हाल ही में, वैंकूवर में विक्रेताओं बाजार से अपने घर ले जा रहे हैं क्योंकि वे 8220 वाइटिंग 8221 के लिए कीमतें 8230 6/10 टोरंटोरॉक्स को दोपहर 02.22.12 को 10:06 बजे वापस करने के लिए दोपहर को 10:06 बजे खरीदने के लिए अब, Torontorocks, अब पिछले साल के दौरान किनारे पर बैठे हुए आपको 5 सराहनाएं नहीं मिलीं और कोई संकेत नहीं हैं कि कीमतों में 8230 गिरने जा रहे हैं I8217ll को खो दिया है। मैं don8217t चाहते हैं वहाँ एक तबाही हो मैं कुछ सामान्यता चाहता हूँ मैं डॉन 8217t लाइनों करते हैं और मैं don8217t आतंक खरीद करते हैं, लेकिन कभी कभी मैं यहाँ बैठो और think8230 वास्तव में यह याद किया। 7 जमैकन गेल 02.22.12 को 10:06 बजे Fiiirrst लाइन में लाइन पर एक वाह खरीदने के लिए गर्थ टर्नर Wha8230 8212 गर्थ 9 थर्डफिडियट्स 02.22.12 पर 10:08 पर इस धारणा में सामान्य ज्ञान का कोई स्थान नहीं है। इस निरंतर उन्माद के लिए दिया गया एकमात्र औचित्य यही निरंतर उन्माद है। मुझे याद है 1989 बहुत अच्छी तरह से गर्थ, आपकी अगली किताब कब आती है 8230. मैं इसे खरीदने के लिए उत्सुक हूं 8211 को लगा कि ईटीए अक्टूबर 2011 था। 1 9 8 9 में भाग्य से दिसंबर में मैंने शहर में एक घर बेच दिया, एक स्पक्बिलर ने इसे फाड़ दिया, उसने दो अर्ध -8217 में चारों के लिए बेच दिया साल क्या और भी अधिक उल्लेखनीय है कि लोग टोरंटो के उपनगर में रहने के लिए आधे से अधिक राशि का भुगतान करेंगे। कितना समय है उस कम्यूट मैं क्या परेशानी है संभावित अनुमान है कि अगर लोग बस बेच नहीं करते तो क्रैश नहीं होगा। अगर लोग अपने घरों के लिए कम ऑफर नहीं करते हैं, तो खरीदारों को अपनी जरूरतों को पूरा करना होगा। तथ्य यह है कि खरीदने और बेचने की आवश्यकता शायद ही कभी एक ही परिमाण के हैं। हां, खरीदने की आवश्यकता कृत्रिम रूप से विभिन्न प्रकार के हेरफेर के माध्यम से बढ़ाई जा सकती है जैसे कि आपूर्ति की गहरी कमी, लेकिन शायद ही कभी आवास के संबंध में ही बेचने की आवश्यकता के करीब भी खरीदने की आवश्यकता है। एक पैसे के गड्ढे में फंस न आये, जिससे आपको इसे बेचने की आवश्यकता हो। बबल सबसे ऊपर है सावधान ग्राहक। एक गलत बाजार में खरीद मत करो सावधान ग्राहक। इतने सारे एशियाई लोग आगे बढ़ना चाहते थे 15 सच्चाई हथौड़ा 02.22.12 को 10:14 बजे गर्थ, जैसा कि आप चित्रों को पोस्ट करते हैं, मैं यह टिप्पणी करने के लिए अपने उचित खेल का अनुमान लगाता हूं कि खरीदारों को एक जातीयता का विशेष रूप से प्रतीत होता है एक और एकमात्र अपवाद हार्दिक बिक्री व्यक्ति लगता है क्या यह एक निश्चित समूह के बीच काम पर झुंड की मानसिकता की तरह लीमिंग है, मुझे पूछना है 8230. विज्ञापन और 8216 समाचार फ़ीड 8217 उस समुदाय के लिए हर जगह एक जैसा है, लेकिन उस 8230 से अलग एक ओर लगता है कि आरआरएसपी के लाभांश के बीच में बहस कनाडा में हमारे दो समाचार पत्र हैं (दयनीय है I8217t यह)। इस लेख में लेखक हमें यह विश्वास करने को कहता है कि लाभांश इक्विटी के आरआरएसपी को बचाने में एक अच्छी चीज आदि आदि है लेकिन मेरा सवाल है 8230..यदि करों पर उनकी गणना सही है 8230 और सरकार ने कुल आहरित करों के साथ साथ हित 82308230. एक आरआरएसपी का मुद्दा पहली जगह पर है, जैसा कि वास्तव में एक शुद्ध शुद्ध बचत खाता एक ही रिटर्न का उत्पादन करता है वही उसी रिटर्न को रिटर्न देता है टिप्पणी की देखभाल कभी जब तक आपको अधिक टैक्स भरना पसंद नहीं है, तब तक आरआरएसपी में लाभांश-उत्पादक संपत्ति नहीं डालनी चाहिए। 8212 गर्थ लोल्स एक असली क्लासी गुच्छा- टहलना पैंट की तरह है और सभी मैं आपको गर्थ बताने से नफरत करता हूं, लेकिन पुरानी कहावत है कि ये ट्रेंड है यार दोस्त, आप क्यों इस प्रवृत्ति से लड़ रहे हैं ऐसा लगता है कि कोई रास्ता नहीं है, लेकिन रियल एस्टेट के लिए ऊपर जाकर कोशिश करना बंद करो जब वे ऊपर जा रहे हैं तो चीजों को नीचे रखने के लिए। याद रखना यह प्रवृत्ति आपके दोस्त है और इसकी ओर इशारा करते हुए लाइव और रूकीज़ सीखना I8217m बिल्कुल आश्चर्य नहीं एक 508217x1508242 कामकाजी वर्ग पूर्व यॉर्क (पूर्व के डाउनटाउन) में 2500 वर्ग फुट घर के साथ बहुत कुछ आपको 1.5 मीटर खर्च होंगे। शहर के उत्तर में 20 मिनट के उत्तर में आधे से एक घर ले जाना है, जो कि अमान्य है (सापेक्ष रूप में कम से कम। निश्चित रूप से निश्चित रूप से इसे 8217 एस एसिनेइन)। योंग के नजदीक रिचमंड हिल की घटनाएं बहुत ही बढ़िया हैं, चूंकि वे गॉ ट्रेन लाइन के करीब हैं, जो वे डाउनटाउन में जाते हैं। ठीक है मुझे पता है कि कीमत अभी भी बेवकूफी है, लेकिन I8217m बस कुछ संदर्भ देने की कोशिश कर रहा है। मार्खम में जाओ और कीमत 100k कम हो जाती है न्यूमार्केट पर जाएं कीमत शायद एक और 100k बूँदें यूक्सब्रिज या केशविक पर जाएं और कीमत फिर से बूँदें और शायद आप के बारे में 8,827 डॉलर शायद रिचमंड हिल में योंग में कुछ के बारे में आधी कीमत। कुछ मिनटों में 700K खर्च करने वाला कोई भी व्यक्ति सहायता की आवश्यकता है 8212 गर्थ, मुझे कभी-कभी आश्चर्य होता है कि इन अतिरेखीय कहानियों को बताते हुए इस तरह की अचल संपत्ति आपके ब्लॉग पर नहीं होती है, वास्तव में बुलबुले को बढ़ावा देने में सेवा करने का अनपेक्षित प्रभाव नहीं होता है। यह निश्चित रूप से हो रहा है, लेकिन मुझे संदेह है कि आवृत्ति के पास कहीं भी नहीं, यह बहुत कम महीने पहले हो रहा था। ऐसा नहीं है कि कहानी को मुख्यधारा के मीडिया में अत्यधिक कवरेज नहीं मिलेगा। क्या इन आंकड़ों की आवृत्ति के बारे में डेटा उपलब्ध है और यदि आवृत्ति में कोई बदलाव आया है। हर गरीब आत्मा जो अब खरीदता है, उस संकल्प में खरीद रही है जो एक या दो साल पहले बुलबुले में खरीदा है। अब लोग खरीदते हैं, बस बुलबुले के ऊपर के रूप में खरीद रहे हैं। सावधान ग्राहक। बुलबुले के ऊपर है अब एक घर खरीदने का समय नहीं है। बैग को छोड़कर नहीं छोड़ेगा सावधान ग्राहक। बस एक समय शेयर पर बैठे की तरह। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को एक कमरे में एक साथ समूहीकृत किया जाता है, और घंटियां या चीयर्स जा रही हैं, जब कोई एक (असली या गढ़े) खरीदता है। यह आपको एक अच्छा सौदा जैसा महसूस करने के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है, जब आप कहते हैं कि लास वेगास अचल संपत्ति बस्ट अबाउट (2006) बिक्री वाले व्यक्ति एपे गंदगी चलाती है वे जोखिम का सही अर्थ सीखेंगे 21 टी.ओ. 02.22.12 बजे 10.25 बुलबुला ब्वाय, अच्छा देखने के लिए HAM नं 21217t बस मिल्कहम से चिपक जाता है, तो यह जगह करीब 20-30 मिनट उत्तर की ओर से Yonge St. पर नजदीकी मेट्रो स्टेशन 8230 से चलती है, इस सब का निर्माण, जल्द ही ब्रदर्स फोर्ड इन तस्वीरों (लागत: 20 बी) में दो सौ लोगों के लिए मेट्रो विस्तार की योजना का प्रयास करेंगे। उस विकास में कुछ अच्छी आवास योजनाएं कम से कम वे लोग 8217 के वंडरलैंड के पास होंगे। बेहेमोथ 82307 उस रोलर कोस्टर के 8217 मुझे आश्चर्य है कि इन लोगों में से कोई भी बर्नबी 8217 के मेट्रोटौन में प्रभु की पूर्व बिक्री की तरह भुगतान किया गया था। RE 8 anon Don8217t या तो पता है, गर्थ, कि आप 8217re को प्रत्येक तस्वीर में कम से कम 8 विभिन्न नस्लीय समूहों का मिश्रण माना जाता है अन्यथा you8217re जातिवाद समान तर्क अब 8211th खरीदने के लिए लागू होता है जब तक आप निर्धारित ग्रेनाइट काउंटर ans एसएस फ्रिज खरीदते हैं और अब एक घरकोंडो खरीदते हैं आप राजनीतिक रूप से गलत हैं उचियामा रोशी ने इस गुरूप्पू बोक 8211 को समूह के खाली दिमाग को बुलाया, या 8220हेर्ड मानसिकता। 8221 24 हेरोल्ड सवेनसन 02.22.12 को 10:34 बजे। इन नई उपखंडों को हमेशा नाम दिया जाने के बाद क्यों रखा जाता है, सभी बाहर फील्डगेट होम के विपणन वाले लोग बेवकूफ हैं और उनके बिक्री अनुबंध को समाप्त कर दिया जाना चाहिए। वे आसानी से इन राबीड घरों में से एक और 25-50,000 निचोड़ा हो सकता है। यह एक खाद्य उन्माद है I8217d उन पर ग्रेनाइट और दृढ़ लकड़ी के लिए हजारों के लिए रन। खरीदार जीता 8217t उन जोड़ों को इन कीमतों को बिना कीमतें, ग्रेनाइट और दृढ़ लकड़ी के बिना फ्लिप करने में सक्षम होंगे। बिल्डर उनके साथ अपने तरीके से हो सकता है खरीदारों को कम से कम 30-50,000 अधिक विकल्प के लिए काम करना चाहिए। रे, don8217t आप इसे प्यार करता हूँ पीतल के पिछले गढ़ पूंजीवाद बकझक। मुझे लगता है कि मेरे पास कान का संक्रमण हो सकता है। मुझे याद है कि 8217 के ब्लॉग में कुछ उपाय सूचीबद्ध थे। बंद करो। 8212 गर्थ मुझे पता है कि आपका क्या कहना है, लेकिन चीजों को देखने के लिए गलत तरीके से यह 8217 आप उत्तर ध्रुव में जा सकते हैं और मुफ्त में जी सकते हैं। जीवन सुखद नहीं होगा और उस बिंदु 8217 It8217s कीमत की कीमत के बारे में नहीं 8217s जीवन की कीमत की गुणवत्ता के बारे में वर्तमान कीमतें जीवन भयानक बना रही हैं जीवन की गुणवत्ता क्या हो सकती है जब एक नई खरीदार होती है, जब 60 की आय 28 ओज़ी के आवास पर जाती है - जल्दी ही, वे POORMOND-HILL-ians 02.22.12 को 10:41 बजे होंगे। कुछ लोगों का मानना ​​है कि रिच-मोण्ड हिल में खरीददारी से उन्हें अमीर, ओह, बच्चे, रिचमंडियाई लेकिन बहुत जल्द, वे सदन-गरीब-ईनियन होंगे मुझे लगता है कि कुछ पीढ़ी कभी नहीं सीखते हैं, एशियाई संकट को याद करते हुए दशक पहले हांगकांग के शेयर गिराए गए, रियल एस्टेट में गिरावट के साथ यह है कि यह क्या है। यह कहना है कि यह नहीं है 8217t, यह क्या होगा या क्या होना चाहिए pontificate भविष्यवाणी क्या चिंता और चिंता का प्रदर्शन है। यह इसके साथ सौदा करने वाला है। जब मैं इन जेफ़र्सन वन की तस्वीरों को देखता हूं, तो मुझे कौन मारता है, ऐसे में कुछ लोग कैसे देखते हैं, जैसे कि उनके मध्य 208217 से मुश्किल से हटा दिए गए मैं वास्तव में उनकी आत्माओं से डरता हूं, क्योंकि वे कर्ज दासता की 30 साल (या 25 हो, एफ) के लिए साइन इन करते हैं। 31 ओह ओन 02.22.12 पर 10:52 बजे वाह इस पोस्ट को पढ़ने के बाद I8217ve विश्वास करने आये कि दुनिया के अंत में 8217 के रूप में हम इसे जानते हैं- और मुझे लगता है कि ठीक है। टिम: कितने समय तक चलने वाले भाई जी कहते हैं कि कभी-कभी 400 बस बंद हो जाता है उन दिनों में घर आने के लिए उसे कुछ समय लगता है। टोरंटो में 8217 को जीवन की 8216 गुणवत्ता कहा जाता है। 8217 ईटी 8217 क्यों भगवान ने उपग्रह रेडियो बनाया 8212 गेर्थ जिम रोजर्स कहते हैं, 8221 जब जनता एक परिसंपत्ति के लिए बाढ़, इसका समय कम करने के लिए .221 मतलब को प्रतिगमन। 34 मिनट में मिशन 02.22.12 बजे 11:01 बजे हम कनाडा की अच्छी बात है। We8217re यहाँ अलग है 29 -) उर्फ ​​डीए 02.22.12 बजे 10:47 बजे यह क्या है। यह कहना संभव नहीं है कि यह क्या होगा या क्या होना चाहिए यह मानना ​​है कि क्या होना चाहिए, चिंता और चिंता का प्रदर्शन करना यह इसके साथ सौदा करने वाला है। इस सूची में अंतिम आइटम आपकी रुचि का हो सकता है 8220 ए रिपोर्टर का एक सफ़ेद हंक तो 8221 8211 मैं हमेशा अपनी अचल संपत्ति कॉलम को 808217 के दशक में वापस टोरंटो सन में पढ़ता था जब आप अचल संपत्ति खरीदने की सलाह दी और आपकी सलाह लेने से पैसे का एक सुव्यवस्थित राशि बनाया। 37 02.22.12 को 11:09 बजे जीटीए में किराये पर लिया यह सही क्षेत्र है पत्नी और मैंने हमारे घर को बेच दिया 8230 अब हम किराये पर रहे हैं और बाजार के लिए 82,200 ठंडा करने के लिए इंतजार कर रहे हैं। 38 सेवानिवृत्त बुमेर - WI 02.22.12 को 11: 09 बजे कनाडाई आरई में रन-अप ने मुझे इक्विटी की कीमतों में हाल में चलने के लिए दोहरा चिंतित किया है, जबकि इसके समर्थन के लिए कोई अच्छी खबर नहीं है, और वैश्विक धन के सतत विस्तार 8230. क्या आप सरकार के बॉन्ड खरीदार होंगे? ऋण अब 8230. कैनेडियन बैंक के शेयरों के बारे में मैं क्या नहीं तय कर सकता हूं कि I8217m क्या महक है, लेकिन यह रात के खाने में नहीं है। कॉर्पोरेट लाभप्रदता का प्रयास करें। 8212 गर्थ 39 कैनेडियन वॉचडॉग 02.22.12 बजे अपराह्न 11:10 बजे, ब्लॉग के लिए अधिक टीआरईबी आंकड़े 2011 के टोरंटो के मध्य, पूर्वी और पश्चिमी हिस्सों के भीतर जोन द्वारा बाहरी आवागमन दिखाते हैं (बाह्य जीटीए को शामिल नहीं करता है)। वार्षिक औसत की गणना 12 माह की मासिक मूल्य परिवर्तन (जोन द्वारा) से की गई थी। डेटा केवल condo अपार्टमेंट के लिए है जोन 8211 2011 औसत प्रति प्रतिशत Gain E01 2.8 E02 0.2 E03 1.4 ई04 2.4 ई05 1.5 ई06 0.6 ई07 1.7 ई08 0.2 ई 0 9 0 ई 0 ई 2 0.0 ई 11 1.8 W01 1.7 W02 0.4 W03 0.9 W04 0.9 W05 7.0 W06 1.2 W07 5.6 W08 2.1 W09 7.2 W10 1.5 सी 01 0.5 C02 3.2 C03 2.7 C04 8.0 C06 0.1 C07 0.1 C08 0.5 C09 6.5 C10 0.5 C11 3.1 सी 12 6.3 C13 0.7 C14 0.7 C15 2.3 टोरंटो के लिए कुल औसत CEW 2.0 अतिरिक्त चार्ट: रुझान-रेखा 12 महीने की औसत चलती है। 8216 गियरर फुल होम प्राइस इंडेक्स 8216 गर्थ 8 अनॉन के लिए समय 02.22.12 बजे 10:07 बजे वे तस्वीरों में एशियाई प्रभुत्व की बात कर रहे हैं 8230 मुझे लगता है कि कभी भी रिचमंड हिल के लिए कभी नहीं रहा है, इसका रिचमंड ई. पू. । यह भी चीन टाउन उत्तर के रूप में जाना जाता है, और कारण के साथ। वहां वाणिज्यिक क्षेत्र हैं, जहां आप अंग्रेजी (या उस बात के लिए फ़्रांसीसी) में कोई संकेत नहीं पाएंगे, और यहां तक ​​कि किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को खोजने के लिए कठिन दबाव भी लगाया जा सकता है जो अंग्रेजी बोल सकता है या नहीं) सस्ते लॉबस्टर थियो 8230 I8217m खुशी गर्थ ने इतिहास का उल्लेख 89 याद रखें कि उस समय के बाद एक गहरी मंदी और भयानक बेरोजगारी थी। मुझे अच्छी तरह से 1 99 7 में अच्छी तरह से याद है कि विशेषज्ञ सभी गलत थे और हमें अर्थव्यवस्था ठीक था 8230 क्योंकि मेरे चारों ओर हर कोई अभी भी नौकरियां था। फिर shtf और धीरे धीरे लेकिन निश्चित रूप से यहाँ एक और एक व्यक्ति वहाँ बंद रखी और बंद रखी रुकी। बाजारों ने धन को पोंछते हुए, (जो बेचते हैं) के लिए धन निकाला। यह बहुत तनावपूर्ण था। यह तब होता है जब आतंक शुरू होता है, और यह सभी प्रकार के व्यवहार में बदलाव लाएगा, उनमें से कोई भी अच्छा नहीं होगा एक नया स्नातक इंजीनियर मैं सलाह दे रहा हूँ अलबर्टा प्राएरी के मध्य में 350 के दशक के लिए एक नया अर्ध खरीदा। नस्लवादी नहीं है, लेकिन वह चीनी वंश है। मुझे लगता है कि यह चीन की जीवन शैली में बहुत दृढ़ता से विश्वास करता है कि हर किसी के पास संपत्ति होनी चाहिए - किसी भी कीमत पर। गर्थ जब आप समझ रहे हैं कि झुंड मूक है, लेकिन उसकी भावना के खिलाफ जाने के लिए भी dumber है। शिक्षा के माध्यम से कनाडा ने सबसे अधिक आज्ञाकारी आज्ञाकारी यादगार उत्पन्न किया है, विश्वास करते हैं कि टीवी टैक्स और बैंक गुलाम वर्ग पर कभी भी इमेजेड नहीं होता है। यदि आप अपने साथियों की आंखों में एक किरायेदार हैं तो एक हारे हुए हैं आप योग्य नहीं हैं पृथ्वी का तूफ़ान है आप हम में से एक नहीं हैं मैंने इस हफ्ते इतना सीखा है कि मेरे गधे को देखते हुए मेरे सिकुड़ते हुए सिर के साथ गर्थ मैं संपादन के लिए धन्यवाद और मेरे कुछ पदार्थ प्रेरित rants भी स्वीकार नहीं करने के लिए धन्यवाद। और मुझे मुझे पोस्ट करना जारी रखने के लिए धन्यवाद, हालांकि आपको लंबे समय से मुझे निर्वासित करना चाहिए था जैसे आप एक रचनात्मक हैं और मुझे लगता है कि आपको ऐसा लगता है कि अच्छा लगता है लेकिन जब तक कोई उन्हें धक्का न दे, तब तक कोई भी सच नहीं जानता कि क्या सीमाएं हैं। आप कर सकते हैं 8217t मोड़ क्या आप कर सकते हैं 8217t अपमान हाँ, मैं पहले से रुझान प्रवृत्तियों के लिए बुलाया है, लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से लागत सच पागलपन है रे यहाँ टैंकिंग से रास्ते के साथ है। 1997 के बारे में माफ करना 2007 होना चाहिए। ऋण दासता किसी तरह, बहुत से लोगों ने धन के साथ भ्रमित भ्रष्ट धन अर्जित किया है। अमीर लोगों को छोड़कर, बिल्कुल। कम ब्याज दरों और मीडिया प्रचार ने एक संपत्ति की कीमत को irrelivent बनाया है आज खरीदार इतना कम मासिक लागत से मुग्ध हो जाता है, जो कि वास्तविक कीमत में कोई मायने नहीं रखता है। आज खरीदार को घर का भुगतान करने का कोई इरादा नहीं है। यही वजह है कि हमारे पास इन पागल कीमतें हैं, इतने लंबे समय के लिए बाजार बहुत अच्छा रहा है, जब तक कि वे कुछ महीनों तक पकड़ सकते हैं, तब तक उन्हें एक उच्च कीमत पर उन्हें बाहर निकालने के लिए एक चूसने वाला व्यक्ति तैयार होगा। लेकिन अंततः यहां तक ​​कि suckers अपने calculators बाहर निकलते हैं और पता है कि कुछ बुरा बदबू आ रही है। जब चीजें धीमा और लोगों को कठबोली बेचने के रूप में वे accictem के रूप में बेच दिया है, यह उन पर भड़क उठी है कि कुछ बड़े रुपये के लिए हुक पर, में सेट होता है और सभी एक ही समय में उतारने लगते हैं। और दीवार, बुलबुला फट। 47 पाउंड पिल्ला 02.22.12 बजे 11:28 बजे मुझे लगता है कि धूम्रपान करने वाले आदमी तरल पदार्थ का पालन करें। 8212 गर्थ ओ लड़के 8230 कल यह उन शापित habs के प्रशंसकों था, आज इसे 8217s Bre-X amp अधिक 700K काम-मंस 8217 मकान 8230on 32 फुट बहुत खरीद lineups 8230 I8217m के साथ स्पष्ट रूप से मेरे जीएफ के साथ पागल। We8217ve पिछले कई वर्षों के लिए किराए पर लिया जबकि बाजार (एडमॉन्टन में, वैसे भी) amp amp नीचे amp; amp; amp सामान हमें जरूरत सामान, चाहते हैं, या बस इच्छा पर हमारे पैसे खर्च का आनंद लिया है। साथ ही, we8217re शुक्रवार को कुछ दिनों का समय लेने के लिए या 1:00 बजे दुकान छोड़ने में सक्षम है क्योंकि we8217re बस काम करने के थक गए हैं। जो सभी असंभव होगा, हमें बैंक को समृद्ध बनाने का फैसला करना चाहिए 8230 अनुमान करें कि I8217ll कुछ और साल के लिए खुद को इस्तीफा देने के लिए इस्तीफा दे देते हैं, लेकिन जीएफ एपीपी मैं उन सभी खर्चों को खर्च करके खुद को सांत्वना दूंगा जो कि फास्ट कारों पर मैकमेन्सन में नहीं गए थे। खिलौने, amp हमारे पासपोर्ट बाहर पहनने। निश्चित रूप से ज़िंदगी कठिन है जब आप डोनट 8217 में खुद को एक घर लेते हैं 8230 कुछ साल पहले एक बिजनेसविक लेख से: 8220 के बाद, ट्यूलिप मार्केट पूरी तरह से, शानदार रूप से क्रैश हो गया था। यह हार्लेम में शुरू हुआ, एक नियमित बल्ब नीलामी में, पहली बार जब, अधिक से अधिक मूर्ख को दिखाने और भुगतान करने से इनकार कर दिया दिनों के भीतर, आतंक पूरे देश में फैल गया था। मांग को बढ़ावा देने के लिए व्यापारियों के प्रयासों के बावजूद, ट्यूलिप के लिए बाजार में सुखाया गया। फूलों ने 5,000 से अधिक गिल्डर्स को एक हफ्ते पहले आदेश दिया था कि एक सौवां वह राशि। 8221 मैंने आज अपराधी आपराधिक दिमाग का एक प्रकरण देखा। 99 लोगों को देखते हुए यह कोई आइडिया नहीं था कि यह लक्ष्य मन की उप जागरूक भाग में लगाए जाने वाले अचेतन संदेश को लगाने के लिए एक प्रयास था। एक नट खोल में हमारे पास एक आदमी था जो कार्यालय चलाने के लिए गया था और एक ही भेड़िया ने अपने व्यवहार पर लोगों को मार डाला। बाद में असली दुनिया (द मैट्रिक्स) में सड़क नीचे मशीन एक ही भेड़िया और राजनीतिक नेता को समान कहानी के रूप में सहने और सहसंबंधित करेगी। हम रॉन पॉल आप को किराए पर लेने वाले मशीन 52 फीटर्स के नियम बनाते हैं, 02.22.12 को शाम 11: 45 बजे शार्क रे पल आज एक और कूद (या सोफे पर कूदो अगर आप टॉम क्रूज़ प्रशंसक हैं, न कि फ़ोनजीहैप वाले दिनों के प्रशंसक हैं) । पश्चिम में वैन 8217 में अपने ड्राईक्लेनेर 8217 में, आज सुबह शर्ट छोड़कर, काउंटर के पीछे कमाल का अच्छा आदमी (एक विदेशी चीनी साथी जो संभवत: कनाडा में 10 साल से अधिक समय तक रहता है, जो अपनी पत्नी के साथ, सप्ताह में 6 दिन के साथ अपने गधे को काम करता है ओक्रिज मॉल 8230 में पैसिफिक रियल्टी कार्यालयों में से 8220part समय का समय 8221 काम करते हुए, वह अपने नए व्यापार का विज्ञापन (मुस्कुरा रही तस्वीर के साथ) अपने नए व्यापार व्यवसाय (मुस्कुरा रही तस्वीर के साथ) को गर्व से प्रदर्शित करता है, टेप करता है। इसलिए मैं अपने मकान मालिक और उसके एजेंट से मुलाकात के लिए आज अपने पट्टे पर विस्तार (पहले से ही एक वर्ष किराये पर लिया) पर चर्चा की। वे बढ़ने की मांग करने के लिए शर्मीले थे और मैंने कहा नहीं। मैं उन्हें 6 महीने के लायक चेक देने पर सहमत हुए और अगर मैं जाना चाहता था तो वे सहमत हुए, सिर्फ 2 महीने का नोटिस दें दिलचस्प बात यह है कि वे वास्तव में मेल के बारे में सचमुच सचमुच मुझे बताते थे क्योंकि मुझे यह मेल भेज दिया गया था। उसका बंधक लगभग 1400-1500 एक महीने था। यही मूल रूप से किराए पर देने के लिए मैं क्या भुगतान करता हूं। इसलिए उसे पॉकेट में कॉडो फीस और प्रॉपर्टी टैक्स का भुगतान करना पड़ता है जो कि कम से कम 600 माह का है। उसने यूनिट के लिए 360k का भी भुगतान किया, जो मैंने आखिरी बार देखा था, पिछले साल की मेरी इमारत में उसी इकाइयों के लिए कीमतें कभी बदली नहीं गईं । उसकी दर 2.25 के बारे में है और उसने पूछा कि क्या वह तय हो गई है या नहीं और इस संपत्ति कर पत्र और बंधक पत्र योग्य के साथ क्या करना चाहिए। I8217m एक बेवकूफ से किराए पर तो गणित करने से, उसके पास 310 किमी से अधिक की एक बंधक है, इतनी डरावनी 54 कनाडाई देखोडॉग 02.22.12 को 11:49 बजे मेरे पद पर सुधार 39. शब्द 8216 एवरोल 8217 केवल कीमत चार्ट पर लागू होता है। किसी आरआरएसपी में कभी भी लाभांश-उत्पादक संपत्ति नहीं डालती, जब तक कि आपको अधिक कर देने की ज़रूरत नहीं होती। गर्थ 8212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212 आप किसी भी अधिक कर का भुगतान करते हैं तो आरआरएसपी में किसी भी अन्य निवेश का क्या होगा, जो आपको आरआरएसपी में सबसे अधिक वापसी की दर देगी, लेकिन सभी फायदे अंत में उसी पर कर लगाए जाते हैं। मैं समझता हूं कि लाभांश को एक गैर कर आश्रित खाते में तरजीही कर उपचार दिया जाता है, लेकिन यह मेरे वक्तव्य में बदलाव नहीं करता है। असली कारण है कि कनाडाई नरक के रूप में सींग का कारण है, एक कारण, पैसा। मैं कसम खाता हूँ, लोगों को अचल संपत्ति पसंद है क्योंकि they8217ve ने पिछले दशक में इसे इतना पैसा बनाया। ये लोग सभी पाई का एक टुकड़ा चाहते हैं वे अपने दोस्तों से ईर्ष्या करते हैं क्योंकि they8217ve इतना इक्विटी प्राप्त की और इतना पैसा के लिए रूप से फ़्लिप किया यह सब कुछ पैसे के बारे में है, और हमेशा होगा। पैसा लोग बदलते हैं मुझे पैसे पसंद हैं, और I8217m यकीन है कि आप सभी के रूप में अच्छी तरह से करते हैं। उसके बाद वे खुशी खुशी रहने लगे। तथास्तु। 58 स्पल्टबॉन्ग्वॉटर पर 02.23.12 बजे 12:08 बजे 1. आप इस टिप्पणी को पढ़ रहे हैं 2. आपको पता है कि यह एक गूंगा तथ्य है 4. आप पढ़ना जारी रखते हैं 5. आपको पता है कि मैंने 3 छोड़ दिया है। 6. सुनिश्चित करने के लिए आप जांच कर रहे हैं 8। You8217re मुस्कुराते हुए 9. आपको लगता है मैं 7 छोड़ दिया और फिर से जाँच कर रहे हैं 10. आपको पता है कि यह आपके समय की बर्बादी थी मैं वास्तव में समझ में नहीं आता है कि क्यों इतने सारे लोगों को एक घर के कोंडो के मालिक पर इतना भावुक और पागल हो, जो भी जीवन में कहना है कि मानव शरीर हमारे जीवन के साथ अस्थायी रूप से जुड़ा है, हम इस दुनिया में कुछ भी नहीं है। हम पहले ही 8230 से पहले हमारे भव्य-दादाजी वाले यात्रियों की तरह यात्रा कर रहे थे। यदि आप एक अपार्टमेंट किराए पर लेते हैं, तो आप 8387 में एक अपार्टमेंट किराए पर ले सकते हैं, क्योंकि आप हमेशा पार्कों में जा सकते हैं क्योंकि यह किसी भी पिछवाड़े से ज्यादा बड़ा है। और अगर आप डॉन 8217 को घर खरीदने के लिए इस तरह के बड़े बंधक को लोड करते हैं, तो आप हमेशा इस दुनिया 8230 में एक अस्थायी यात्री के रूप में दुनिया का आनंद लेने के लिए यात्रा करने के लिए नकद है I गोरियों से नफरत करता है एलओएल 8220 रेसीस्ट तस्वीर 8221 क्या हारे हुए आपका गुमनाम पोस्ट अपने दिमागदार पारदर्शी टिप्पणी को जोड़ता है क्या आप लिस्टिंग के लिए चोट पहुँचा रहे हैं 51 02:00 02.22.12 पर 11:45 बजे 821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212 मैं एक नकली 8230 .. 50 डीएमएल 02.22.12 पर 11:42 पर 8212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212- 400 साल पुरानी ट्यूलिप के साथ पहले से ही पर्याप्त है। टोरंटो से 64 बजे 02.23.12 बजे 12: 18 बजे हुआ, जो गहरा था, 02.22.12 बजे सुबह 11:15 बजे 821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212 हुह 3 कनाडा में कनाडा में कॉन्डो खरीदने वाले सभी लोग हैं। मैं तस्वीरों में विभिन्न त्वचा के रंग देखता हूं Can8217t हालांकि अपने पासपोर्ट पर नागरिकता को बाहर कर देते हैं अल्बर्टा इतना खराब है अगर आपको लगता है कि TOO में कोंडो बाजार में बहुत अधिक निर्माण हो रहा है, तो आपको तेल के रेत में ऊंचा निर्माण देखना चाहिए। यह नॉर्वे और फ्रांस और चीन के सभी कंपनियों की तरह है और दुनिया भर में तेल लगाने के लिए नई राक्षस सुविधाओं का निर्माण करने के लिए उसी समय एक ही विचार मिला। अलबर्टा की अर्थव्यवस्था स्नोरॉइड पर दरार कोकीन जैसे ही 8211 से राजस्व पर निर्भर है। बड़ी समस्या यह थी कि मौजूदा पाइपलाइनों की क्षमता निकट होती है और उन्हें उत्तरी गेटवे और कीस्टोन जैसे तेज पाइपलाइनों की आवश्यकता होती है। Transcanada पाइपलाइन और Enbridge आगे धक्का कर रहे हैं जैसे यह कोई नहीं है 8217s व्यापार और अरबों पाइपलाइनों की तैयारी कि वे के लिए मंजूरी नहीं है खर्च किया है। और दुनिया के नागरिकों ने फैसला किया है कि वे इस तेल को दुनिया भर में फैली ऐसी उच्च पर्यावरणीय लागत के साथ नहीं चाहते। रॉबर्ट रेडफोर्ड और हेवलेट हेवलेट और पैकार्ड और हजारों अन्य लोगों ने पाइपलाइनों के खिलाफ विद्रोह किया है। अब यह 8211 टेड टर्नर को याद है, वह आदमी जिसने सीएनएन शुरू किया और उसे नियंत्रित करता है वह ऐसा करता है या तो, और उसके पास कुछ अरब डालर है, साथ ही मीडिया की शक्ति भी है। अलबर्टा, अपनी सीट बेल्ट बेबली बेक करें आप पहले से ही जानते हैं कि बूम और बस्ट्स कैसा हैं। यह एक बड़ा एक के अग्रदूत की तरह दिखता है यहां टेड द्वारा सीएनएन टुकड़ा है जो काफी मुखर है। (आपको अपने ब्राउज़र में कटौती और पेस्ट करना पड़ सकता है) 67 गंभीर दिमाग 02.23.12 बजे 12:32 बजे, गर्थ, आप इस कहानी पर रियाल्टार ब्लॉग के लिए एक अद्भुत कंट्रास्ट तैयार करते हैं, जिससे संतुलन की एक अजीब लेकिन शांत भावना प्रदान होती है। क्षेत्र के साथ अपरिचित लोगों के लिए कुछ और तथ्यों: - ओक लैंडेस मोरोनी पर विकास की सीमाएं, जहां क्षेत्रीय वन और केतली झीलों का प्रचुरता है, सूची कम है, विकास राजनीतिक है, और कुछ समूहों की मांग अचूक है - संमत 10 मिनट है रिचमंड हिल दक्षिण (टेक कैपिटल), 25 से नॉर्थ यॉर्क और डाउनटाउन के लिए 50-रिचमंड हिल में जीटीए में उच्चतम औसत घर कीमत 886,000 है 17 मैं तुम्हें गर्थ बताने से नफरत करता हूं, लेकिन पुरानी कहावत है कि ये ट्रेंड योर मित्र है क्या आप इस प्रवृत्ति से लड़ रहे हैं ऐसा लगता है कि कोई रास्ता नहीं है लेकिन अचल संपत्ति के ऊपर जाने के लिए जब वे ऊपर जा रहे हैं तो चीजों को नीचे रखने की कोशिश करना बंद करो। याद रखना यह प्रवृत्ति आपके दोस्त है और इसकी ओर इशारा करते हुए लाइव और रूकीज़ सीखना हां, एक ट्रेंड आपका दोस्त है, लेकिन अच्छी किस्मत शीर्ष के निकट कठिन संपत्ति बेच रही है। लॉर्ड रोथस्कील्ड ने कहा, खरीदने का समय तब होता है जब सड़कों पर खून चल रहा हो। उन्होंने कहा कि जिस तरह से वह अमीर हो गया था वह हमेशा बहुत जल्द बेच दिया। जॉन टेंपलटन, वह व्यक्ति जो लगभग एकमात्र वैश्विक निवेश के क्षेत्र का बीड़ा उठाया है, ने कहा कि सबसे अच्छा सौदा केवल अधिकतम निराशावाद के बिंदु पर पाया जा सकता है। दुनिया के सबसे सफल निवेशक वॉरेन बफेट कहते हैं, जब आप भयभीत होते हैं, तो आप बहुत डरते रहना चाहते हैं, जबकि अन्य लालची और बहुत लालची हैं। 69 टीओ। 02.23.12 बजे 12:38 बुलबुला ब्वॉय। कुछ घंटों के बाद भी, यह अभी भी मेरे लिए परेशान है। I8217m को हैरान है कि इन भेड़ के छल्ले तक खड़े हो रहे हैं ताकि रिकमंड हिल अरोरा और मिल्टन जैसे स्थानों में एक बुनियादी ब्रेड हाउस में रहने के लिए 700k फेंक दिया जा सके औसत जीटीए घर के बारे में 500k है अर्थात ये घर औसत 8230 के ऊपर 40 हैं और केवल 8220 एनएयर कुछ 8221 हैं क्योंकि यूंज स्ट्रीट दुनिया की सबसे लंबी सड़क है। Don8217t लोग इन जीटीए burbs में रहते हैं क्योंकि यह 8217 सस्ता है 700,000 के लिए आप फेनिक्स क्षेत्र में 4-5 सभ्य घरों को खरीद सकते हैं, उन्हें किराए पर कर सकते हैं, और करों से पहले नकदी प्रवाह कर सकते हैं। Phoenix8217s 8220non-RE8221 अर्थव्यवस्था सिर्फ ठीक है। या एक घर खरीद लें और शेयरों में निवेश करें जो लाभांश या आरईआईटी का भुगतान करते हैं 8211 और पसंदीदा टैक्स दरों पर 8217 कमाते हैं। मिनस्की क्षण 8211 से सावधान रहें हैंगओवर वर्ष के लिए रहता है और नहीं एशियाई 8230 मुझे पता नहीं है कि लोगों को खरीद पर कम समय कैसे लगेगा जो उन्हें जीवन के लिए कर्ज दास बना देगा, वे सेव चुनने के बजाय, Safeway पर। झुंड जानवर, वास्तव में 8220 गर्थ जब आप समझ रहे हैं कि झुंड मूक है, लेकिन इसके भाव के खिलाफ जाने के लिए भी डम्बर है। शिक्षा के माध्यम से कनाडा ने सबसे अधिक आज्ञाकारी आज्ञाकारी यादगार उत्पन्न किया है, विश्वास करते हैं कि टीवी टैक्स और बैंक गुलाम क्लास पर क्या कभी इमेज किया गया है। 8221 एसएम 8230 मैं निश्चित रूप से आपके साथ हूं मेरा आखिरी हफ्ते एक रोलरकोस्टर रहा है लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि मैं जल्द ही बसेगा। मैं आपको अपने विचारों में था और अपने लेखन को चुनने के लिए माफी चाहता था मेरा 6 साल का बच्चा 8217 स्कूल मेरे बच्चे के एडीएचडी का दावा कर सकता है। डब्ल्यूएफटी मैं उसके साथ एक विषय पर 10-20 मिनट के लिए बैठ सकता हूं कि क्यों लोग काले और सफेद हैं और अफ्रीका, यूरोप और फारस के बारे में। उसके बाद मैं उसे चारों ओर चलाता हूं और अपने भाई, उसके अनुयायियों का पीछा कर रहा हूं और मैं उन्हें सभी को पकड़ सकता हूं 8230 और विकास, अफ्रीका और त्वचा के रंग के बारे में कम से कम 10 मिनट और उस 8217 वह डॉल्फिन टेयल 8217 से बैठकर देख सकते हैं या 10 साल के लिए विज्ञान की किताबें पढ़ सकते हैं। और फिर वास्तव में स्मार्ट टिप्पणियां हैं लेकिन वह सोचता है कि अपने 100 वर्षीय शिक्षक को बेकार है और वह सोचती है कि वह 12 घंटे के लिए ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकता है। Duh, boys at 6 have 6 minutes of attention before requiring monkey action 8211 man the education system needs an overhaul 8230. Anyhow 8230 it ain8217t about my kid8217s abilities anymore, it8217s about the idiots running Canada I8217m starting to be pissed from education to the ecomony. When in Rome, do like the Romans do. But maybe that was why Rome collapsed8230 Herd mentality is tendency to do what other people do, and why 8220we8221 do it. goo. gl2RhRd Is the deal on Study shows why herd mentality best mode for group buying sites Researchers at the University of Toronto8217s Rotman School of Management wanted to understand why group buying sites that have entered the market recently have enjoyed greater success than those operating a decade ago 8220We think one of the reasons group-buying has been successful recently is because of the short time horizon,8221 says Rotman Prof. Ming Hu, who co-wrote the study with Prof. Mengze Shi and PhD student Jiahua Wu. 8220It allows for a herding effect.8221 Knowing this it would suprise me that some of the people in line are paid to be there, if i am builder i would most definetly have few of them on a payroll8230 Sure there8217s a picture of 99 asian. But What I want to know is how many of them are canadian or landed immigrants. And How many of those guys are actually from Mainland China with a bag full of cash. One day when this thing is said and done. I can totally see Canada Real Estate on Myth Busters. The Legion of HAM. I8217m pretty sure its all a Myth conjured up by the banks and real estate agents. 76 Party on Garth on 02.23.12 at 1:16 am I demand you photo shop those photos to include a Ugandan, a Swedish albino, a flamingly gay man in cut off jean shorts. a person in a wheelchair, an aboriginal, a transgender person, and a dwarf. How dare you present truthfull information. There is no place for that kind of honesty in Canada today. Try to consider the feelings of sensitive new-age guys (snags) like me and anon. I also notice the majority of the people seemed to be in a certain age group. You ageist bastard. What do you have against people in their twenties My lip is trembling, my knees quivering, with sanctimonious outrage. 73 Carpe Diem on 02.23.12 at 12:51 am 821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128211 lol, it8217s been proven that people in general can only muster 20 minutes of pure attention. We8217re talking top notch university students here. Kinda makes you wonder how well that 4 hour long surgery goes inside you The day I ever find myself to stand in a freezing cold with other financially retarted folks, I am going to ask my husband to take me to the crazy house to get me checked out. There are no longer any 8216 proper8217 words for these people. They are sick I moved from Ottawa to Toronto for work and yep housing is pretty nuts here. I love to look at the condos on a Monday night around 8pm and seeing more than half the lights out (especially in mimico). Maybe people can8217t pay their bills or perhaps they8217re just good torontonians conserving power. What8217s troubling to me about these pictures is it8217s all 20 somethings buying new. I remember that Boom, Bust, Echo book saying RE would be safe because there would be enough echoes and immigrants to take over the boomers homes. I8217m 30 and almost all my coworkers are in their late 50s early 60s and they all believe they can sell in the next 5 years and kick their feet up, all my friends close to my age that could bought new with 30 year deals and both groups agree that I8217m stupid for renting. Bottom line is, even if the boomers don8217t all sell at the same time (which they will) at some point they will die and the market will be flooded, sadly most of the potential buyers will be underwater in Richmond hill and similar places. I think I8217ll sign when the Dow hits below 9, I figure they8217ll sell their portfolios first causing a good ol panic round the globe and then politicians and banks can blame a poor world economy on the collapse. I love this blog, way to go Garth. 80 TurnerNation on 02.23.12 at 1:33 am First, greetings from 8220BPOE8221 Had a chance to drive by the East Hastings Zombie colony. Blocks upon blocks of other-worldy naifs. I figure, this city is so expensive they8217ve just given up all hope. I shudder to image how many millions in Justice, Social, and Medical resources are there used up each month. 81 TurnerNation on 02.23.12 at 1:34 am Shoulda sent in big-a-rider8217s boys in to break up that mob 82 Patiently Waiting on 02.23.12 at 1:35 am Brings back memories of 1989 for me a well. in those days we were pre-selling 3 to 4 condos a day in October 89 (mostly to Chinese over in Hong Kong by night, and to locals by day). By March it was like someone turned off the taps 8211 sales slowed to 1 to 2 condos per month, then 1 sale every month or two. It took three and a half years to sell out the remaing units in the building. 73Carpe Diem on 02.23.12 at 12:51 am8230I have to agree with the assertion about boys. The first word thrown out in the politically correct era was balance. No, it is rigid undifferentiated equality but the boys are getting trounced by the girls by most every metric in almost every scholastic setting (the girls are now even out pacing the boys in the sciences). As gentlemen we are to defer to our women but in this process we have abandoned our boys. The saying is women and children first not women are children. There are stark differences between boys and girls but we are asked to deny this and recatagorise these differences as medical or mental conditions. This does not wash well with me. The education system is dominated by women, well meaning as a whole, but increasingly intolerant of boys. Boys are markedly more difficult to manage as a whole and should be managed differently than girls. Now I understand that we are all individuals and all traits are presented in both genders but the fact remains there is an average difference in the characteristics found in students based upon gender that we are now asked to ignore proportedly for the greater good. Just try to think back to school. There are so many ways a teacher can have a negative impact upon a student8217s life at school without coming any where near outright and obvious discrimination. There is a general intolerance and unwillingness to understand boys as a a whole and it is showing up in the grades they are recieving. This is where the pedulum reaches its apex of acceptability. We must stand up for our boys, as irritating as they can be from the perspective of classroom management. 15 or 20 minutes work, standing up and run around full bore for 5 to 10 minutes would solve 90 of boy based classroom management problems and their marks would likely go up as things at the beginning and ending of a learning session are remembered best (thus more beginnings and ending would be of great benefit). Maybe boys schools and girls schools are not as draconian as they once seemed. There is no need to go that far because teachers understand differentiated teaching and learning but they are unwilling to aknowledge the need for gender based differentiation. 84 Critical Mind on 02.23.12 at 1:45 am Bubble Boy, you8217re getting much more land and square footage for the price. While I8217m no fan of these small-lot, cookie-cutter, new-con projects, there are some very nice neighbourhoods in this area (i. e. take a drive through 8216Trailwood8217 one afternoon and imagine what a comparable property would be downtown). Depending on what you value, the quality of life is high in terms of nature, recreation and community. The prices are not cheap (see my post above) but you can get land, space and privacy if you want it. 8230and I8217m referring to RH, Aurora, King, etc8230 Milton is not in this league. 85 Monster Cookie on 02.23.12 at 2:03 am 3 Cookie Monster on 02.22.12 at 10:03 pm HEY, GET YOUR OWN NAME I8217m the Cookie Monster here, also know as Blue Hammer Blue Monster Lover of Cookies and Monster Cookie Why don8217t you take Count Dracula or something. Garth. Do something, you can8217t allow this8230. Name stealing Come on. my brother who lives in Thornhill Woods asked me to go check out these homes8230 i told him i wasn8217t interested8230 GT, i8217ve read you since last year8230 i was about to purchase a new home because i have the money (could easily afford a 800K-900K home)8230 but i did my research, READ. kept reading8230 and sold my home8230 am now renting and investing my money8230 i feel so much better and to be quite frank8230 i8217m disgusted by home ownership8230 wife gave me a lot of gripe about not owning a home but i8217m glad to say she understands why now. Not that it8217s a good deal, but what8217s the difference between the same thing happening last year and the same frenzy now 88 Nostradamus Le Mad Vlad on 02.23.12 at 2:10 am 8211 8220A harbinger. But only if you can drop 600,000 in ten minutes. Remember it. Then you can relieve your need to pee, everybody was crazy anxious when they got in. Little women were bodychecking me to get a red dot stuck on a map square. Unbelievable. Yes There are still greater fools out there Appreciate the east if it would transfer a few thousand would-be retirees out here to K-Town, to get things motoring again here 204 The Thing in the Basement on 02.22.12 at 11:04 pm 8212 Noted, and agree slightly to disagree. The problems still exist (the bailout won8217t work, just a stopgap), and sooner or later something will give. धन्यवाद। for the feedback 4:07 clip War and inflation, Gas US6 gal. in Florida (link in) and US10.45 gal. in UK Further evidence of the east getting more of the west8217s work The Death of MERS Walmart and Monsanto Links in. Walmart in US to start selling their trash with no labeling Glass 8211 Steagall Apparently it8217s still alive. Links in Derivatives Implosion 8220The DERIVATIVE implosion will make it happen over night.8221 Hungary8217s Frozen Funds Isn8217t that where Soros comes from Diversified How safe is your cash Citigroup Whistleblower Backfiring Liquidity Hugh Hendry Buffett to write a cheque Texas The poster Ben was in Texas, as far as I can remember Consequences War on the US economy Mfg. collapse German problems Renters Rule Shilling Taxing the Rich Population Shrinkage A bunch of countries, incl. चार्ट। Satellite pix Normally, storms don8217t attract much attention. This one is 90 miles wide and underwater Breaking Wind In Space NASA had nothing else to do, so they found this Russia warns west against striking Iran Iran First para. is good, but the article is interesting US 8211 NATO 8211 UN killing Syrians continues Obloodyhell Rising gas prices could cost him another term 1:31 clip Taken from a cockpit of jets performing stunts Impressing the ladies If this is a prerequisite, I8217m going solo Facebook is picky. Fortunately, I don8217t FB or Tw CFR and police state The Future is Now The 8216net in 1969 (1:57 clip) 22-inch Man shortest in world 0:51 clip From Russia With Love. A strangely sexual ad. 89 Rachel - condo on 02.23.12 at 2:17 am I bought an expensive condo 1brdden under 800sqf, at 680 per sqf (north toronto) will be ready in 2014-2015 and i am really afraid prices will drop and i will have arguments with my spouse which did not agree on buying it. my goal was to speculate it, sell for 10-15 more when ready or rent it, but it looks i8217ll be cash negative even the builder locked in at 3.94 for 3 years once we get the title. will have to work 2 jobs, or occupy it (after divorce :)) SOS Don8217t do like me. Wake up fellow drunken sailors This house-hornyness amp credit binging in general got me thinking about something that was bothering me back in the 808217s8230 Why is spending OTHER PEOPLE8217S money (cash you don8217t have) such a status symbol compared to spending YOUR OWN money (cash you do have) which is apparently a social stigma. The power of the herd indeed. We8217ve turned into a population of loan junkies8230adjudicating our societal worth by our respective credit limits. Aside form the obvious benefits to the moneylenders (in the form of having an indebted amp compliant working population, because they8217re terrified of missing a payment) it8217s also one hell of a cultural conditioning exercise. Anyone NOT in debt up to there eyeballs is some kind of weirdo8230 Why do people want to hand over all this power over their own lives to these institutions amp the life-forms within Never thought I8217d be living in a world where my net worth as an individual was judged on the basis of how much I could borrow Good thing I don8217t need to. But it totally sux that the taxpayers are on the hook for most of this housing gluttony. Even the financially responsible, non-involved ones. Who might see their income prospects amp lifestyles in general negatively impacted by an imploding government-sponsored, financial services-industry conducted housing-ponzi scheme project whose looming failure will be underwritten by the general population. Many of whom might be some of my present (or future) customers. Or probably, non-customers8230 And that really pisses me off8230 Garth, if you can stand the mosquitos, you need to cruise through sask this summer on your bike and see whats going on here. It seems to be more than just cheap money 8211 the place is making up for 30 years of no economic activity all at once. In Regina, at least 2 Potash mines are a go, the global transportation hub is just getting rolling, a pasta plant is planned, a 32 story condo tower downtown, rail relocation and likely that new stadium to be started very soon. I8217ve lived in Vancouver my whole life, and lived in the downtown area for the past 3 years. I sold my house I built in 2001 for a pretty good profit and now rent. One day I8217ll build another home if I can find the right piece of land at the right price. I8217m patient so no hurry. I8217ve been a money manager for almost 25 years now so I think I know a little about how markets work, whether it8217s stocks, bonds, commodities, art, real estate, doesn8217t really matter, they8217re all the same. Driven by fear, greed and emotion Right now the cycle is cresting which is why there is so much disagreement in opinion between buyers, sellers, renters and owners. That8217s what makes a market You can analyze the fundamentals to death as to why housing should go p or down but at the end of the day it8217s all about supply and demand. Funny thing is, I8217ve been watching the storefronts in downtown Vancouver for the past three years and it8217s interesting to see how long some units have had 8220For Lease8221 signs in the window Some spaces are going on 3 years now but in the past few weeks I8217ve notice more and more For Lease signs Tonight I was driving into the city along Granville and was amazed at the number of for sale signs on residential properties then driving through downtown a large amount of For Lease signs on commercial properties More so than usual that it caught my attention. It8217s just an anecdotal observation but it appears to me that the number of businesses shutting down and the increase in vacant space does not bode well for jobs in the city and feels more like the canary in the coal mine I work on the North Shore and notice the same increase of For Lease signs I don8217t really care if the market goes up or down since I have all my funds invested in the financial markets so I8217m just an observer but my gut is telling me something is up or heading down My advice is don8217t try and be a hero and try to catch the last 5 of a rising trend, especially with leverage or you8217ll get your ass handed to you in a hurry The people in those pictures are like chickens running around with their heads cut off just about to die 93 OneMoreThing on 02.23.12 at 3:30 am wow like cattle to the slaughterhouse Great view on US Housing What the dramatic declines in housing inventories could be signaling now This is why I see another 15-18 decline in the USA. 73- Carpe Diem :8221But he thinks his 100 year old teacher sucks and she thinks he cant pay attention for 12 hour. 8221 A half hour for a 6 year old is endless. Time is relative. 1 day in the life of a 2 day old baby represents 50 of the infant8217s lifetime. Subjectively, this 1 day will feel the same as a 20 year timespan to someone who is 40 years old. Remember the never-ending summers of your youth Old Man Time gobbled them up. Smoking Man. Now that you8217re on the wagon does that mean I have to hit the bottle Balance of nature and all that. Ever notice how if someone in your family or immediate social group loses weight8230 someone else in the same circle gains it In vino veritas doesn8217t just mean that drinkers lose their inhibition and start blabbing what they REALLY think. Alcohol opens the 3rd eye. I suspect you miss that connection a lot when sober. There are other, better, and sober ways to get there. But it means some work in that direction. सौभाग्य। 96 Uh Oh Canada on 02.23.12 at 6:58 am The ones wearing the jogging pants are the fake buyers. 97 Steven Rowlandson on 02.23.12 at 7:26 am 1 Anna Adamson on 02.22.12 at 10:00 pm Nuts. Absolutely nuts. I absolutely concurr with Anna. All those home buyers will rue the day they lined up to sign their lives away. Never have so many paid so much for so little and went into extreme debt to do it. 98 truth hammer on 02.23.12 at 7:26 am OK..fair comment on the RRSPDividend debacle. What are the options for growth inside the RRSP and8230823082308230if a person was to sell dividend equities and switch to bonds before the RRSP draw down would that be a valid strategy to mitigate tax on withdrawals I ask because the compound effect on bonds brings zero net yield in real terms Twice the price, plus interest on the Regina place is another 300,000 over the life of the mortgage. So, you can have 3 London houses for the price of 1 house in Regina if you pay cash for the London place. Boy, life must be preeettty good in Regina. Pretty, Pretty good. it8217s been quite a few posts since you wrote about your preferred type of ETFs (reit, preferred, corp bond, ext) Are still on the same page of income from private equity (div, preferred, corp bonds) Or have you been considering common equities and commodities 12 Tim - If you are going to live in any suburb of T. O you will want to live in Thornhill or Richmond hill for sure. Right up the natural centre of the GTA. Anyway Garth, thanks for mentioning this mania that occurred in North Richmond Hill (really King City). My wife got caught in the drive back along Yonge St along the blockage of people along side the road and that is why I told you about it. 102 Have we forgotten so quickly on 02.23.12 at 8:00 am 17 alex on 02.22.12 at 10:17 pm The trend WAS your friend. It8217s been 1989 since 2006. Markets remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent comes to mind. 69 T. O Bubble Boy. I have always respected your posts so please no offense to you but you really have to get out of the downtown core once in a while. People don8217t buy in burbs just because it is cheaper. Richmond Hill enjoys the highest average detached house prices in the GTA. Look it up. We have just surpassed Thornhill just south of us with that distinction. You do get more house here than in T. O proper. The 3300 sq foot home next to me just sold for 1.3 mill. It is not to far of a commute, up the natural centre of the city and will naturally, at some point, be serviced by a subway. We have public transit along Yonge St of which I can walk to. Now the area featured in today8217s post. well it8217s a stretch to call it Richmond Hill as it is just south of King City. The commute from there to Yonge and hwy 7 on a good day is 15 minutes. Anything near Yonge, Hwy7 and 407 cross is very dear in resale value and as dear as most anything in the city. The line up will be just as long at the food bank in a few years when rates go up 84 Mr Lee - 8220Thornhill Woods8221 The builders I know really pulled the wool over the eyes of all the buyers in 8220Thornhill Woods8217. A concrete and treeless jungle that is Vaughan proper and more specifically Concord. By calling it Thornhill Woods, they got away with charging 150k on average more than had it been properly delineated by name location. People swallowed that one hook, line and sinker. I still remember the laughs and ongoing jokes about that at the builder functions. 8220These people8221 who are lining up to buy homes in Richmond Hill are asians, probably mostly Chinese as the pictures illustrate. Think, Chinatown is along Hwy 7. They have everything they need in RH. They dont care about the 8220downtown8221 TO amenities. They are in their own downtown. Stereotype much 8212 Garth 110 MarcFromOttawa on 02.23.12 at 8:45 am A bit of bull (s) to balance the bear. 10 Ayn Rand on 02.22.12 at 10:08 pm when is your next book coming out. I am anxious to buy it crazy anxious If you can stand in the cold all night and dont need to pee, he8217s got a deal for you Anyone spending 700K in a few minutes needs help. Garth Especially when the asset is not deliverable for a couple years and it is at the height of it8217s value now. NUTS There are cheaper alternatives for an adrenaline rush. RE is the next Bre-X. Eventually prices reflect value. 8220The efficient markets theory does explain the behavior of asset prices in a typical market, but when price change begins to feedback on itself, behavioral finance is the only theory that explains this phenomenon. There is often a precipitating factor causing the break with the normal pattern and releasing the tether from fundamental valuations. During the Great Housing Bubble, the primary precipitating factor was the lowering of interest rates. The precipitating factor simply acts as a catalyst to get prices moving. Once a directional bias is in place, then price-to-price feedback can take over. The perception of fundamental valuation is based solely on the expectation of future price increases, and the asset is always perceived to be undervalued. There are often brave and foolhardy attempts to justify these valuations and provide a rationalization for irrational behavior. Many witnessing the event assume the smart money must know something, and there is a widespread belief prices could not rise so much without a good reason. Herd mentality takes over.8221 8221 I think I may have an ear infection. I remember yesterdays blog had some remedies listed. Stop that. Garth8221 Better nip that vein of chatter in the bud, Garth. Next thing you know this blog will be overrun with bush healers, and people offering advice on how to get rid of fungal toe infections and such See what happened with the Firsters8230.-) How many of these 8220buyers8221 will actually live in these homes And yes, a certain demographic group dominates this particular lineup. And also in new condominium releases. And the statistic on buyer speculation on those is approx 80 Very sad8230 Foreclosures on jumbo loans are up 579 percent since 2008, greater than any other form of loan, according to a report last month by Lender Processing Services, Inc. Beverly Hills Strategic defaults ochousingnewsnewshigh-end-loan-owners-strategically-defaulting-in-large-numbers Chicago hosting the G8 and NATO summits May 19-20 and May 20-21 riot gear stocks Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Chicago city officials have agreed to a 6.2 million settlement with the more than 800 protesters who were wrongfully arrested or detained in 2003 while demonstrating against the U. S. invasion of Iraq. Wrongful to arrest or detain them without first giving them a chance to disperse and leave the area. The learned lessons purchasing leather nose guards with mpact absorbing foam for the horses. face shields for 3,000 and aerial surveillance tech. 8220Whats troubling to me about these pictures is its all 20 somethings buying new.8221 These are 35-45 year old people. It is not a bubble if you don8217t buy with debt. Garth, my man, I will send you a pic of me and you can Photo shop it inwith today8217s picture. That will put an end to that silly kind of talk. SM, I love the rebel in you. I hope you find the proper balance that will keep you in concert with the universe. 35Victor on 02.22.12 at 11:03 pm 29 -) aka DA on 02.22.12 at 10:47 pm It is what it is. To say it isnt, forecast what it will be or pontificate what it should be is demonstrative of angst and worry. It is what it is deal with it. The last item on this list might be of interest to you. I guess I was not clear in my unintentional use of Business Jargon. Let me paraphrase by quoting as the wise Smoking Man said at post 43 on 02.22.12 at 11:23 pm when are you going to figure out the herd is dumb, but to go against its sentiment is even dumber. You cannot think two thoughts at precisely the same time. You can quickly alternate between the two thoughts but you cannot think both at the same time. Similarly you cannot be in a healthy state of mind and an unhealthy one, you cannot be optimistic and pessimistic, you cannot fight the herd and profit from it. If you want to eat you must hunt. The game will not come to you. If you wait for it to do so you will starve. 120 CrowdedElevatorfartz on 02.23.12 at 10:12 am In Vancouver I see 8220For Lease8221 sign everywhere. Perhaps the people in the photos have pulled up and moved to Toronto because the prices here are so ludacris well, this just make me feel like buying a house before I get prie out Definetely no a buble burst in canada. बिल्कुल नहीं। 73 Carpe Diem8230 it has been vaccinations that have caused so many problems for our kids. Don8217t continue to be frustrated, and instead, get educated. Start here: There is a war for your mind and against our glorious future. We must always fight the urge to conform (culture). That is their greatest weapon. Escape it. 123 Keith in Calgary on 02.23.12 at 10:17 am 8220Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it8221 You need not kill to eat. You can help others who are not so adept at the pursuit and acquisition of their own game that they will gladly share with you a commission as reward for your having done so. JamaicanGal - Bush healers. Get real. Millions of people have no choice but to turn to holistic (alternative) medicine when allopathic ( conventional) medicine fails them. Tell me how well allopathic medicine does with the long, long laundry list of autoimmune disorders like Hep C, Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc. And what about the masses who suffer from various bowel and GI complaints Most are simply clumped together and told they have IBS. Doesn8217t everyone know someone these days who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome I8217m a huge fan of INTEGRATIVE medicine. It combines the best of both worlds. And, yes, I8217m one of the ones who was struck down over 20 yrs ago with a virus that triggered an ugly autoimmune response. Allopathic medicine did NOTHING for me. Won8217t get into the symptoms other than to say I basically spent 5 yrs on the couch. During that time ( pre-internet) I read everything I could get my hands on in an attempt to find a cure. My kitchen counter looked like a health food store. Nothing worked. Until8230one day8230 one of the clerks in the health food store suggested I try . You8217ll never in your wildest dreams guess the name of that herb. No, it8217s not some exotic Chinese or Ayurvedic medicinal herb. And it worked. Took it for one month and never looked back. Funny thing is, I hadn8217t thought about that herb for many years and decided to do some research on the net. And what do you know Big Pharma is busy isolating the compounds for use in autoimmune disorders and it also shows promise in reversing type 2 diabetes in mice. So don8217t knock the 8221 bush healers8221 until you yourself have been put into a position where allopathic fails you utterly. BTW 8211 With the incremental introduction of Agenda 218217s Codex Alimentarius, it8217s becoming increasingly difficult to access even common herbs. Try finding Calamus root. The herb that healed me is a common enough and safe root which is also becoming hard to get. Only 1 health food store in Kelowna still carries it. I8217m stockpiling while I can. In case disaster strikes again. No need to prove my point that some chinese are more well off then you think. They have the money to purchase outright but with rates this low and 10-15 down. Well worth the gamble. Vancouver is getting too expensive and the floodgates will be flowing to Toronto now. I believe Richmond hill is a completely different city and they only need to pay a single land transfer tax. Whereas Toronto needs to pay two. Economics isn8217t dismal, it8217s grand. To-day, on the same page of The Ottawa Citizen . there are two interesting articles. The first, by leftist pariah Jim Stanford, implies that free trade has not worked and does not work for Canada: Obviously the right response will be that Canadian workers are lazy louts who must be flogged 8211 or at least starved 8211 until their productivity improves. The second, by conservative paragon Andrew Coyne, points out that government deficit spending does not stimulate the economy: So where does the money go, Guido 128 The American on 02.23.12 at 10:38 am Ahhhhh yes. These photos Garth provided remind me so much of my experience buying my first condo in Seattle on presale back in 2003. I was just a dumb kid at that time, having moved here from the Big D (that8217s Dallas, TX for anyone unfamiliar with the vernacular). Here I was at 26 years old and moving to a new metro that was only 3.4MM people, nearly half the size of the Dallas metro at 6.4MM. I didn8217t know what to expect, other than I had heard living expenses were 8220more.8221 Boy was I ever in for a shock. That same year, condo towers were popping up all over downtown, and lines that wrapped TWICE around a block were not uncommon. I figured I needed to be in on the action too as I was often told 8220renting is throwing money down the drain.8221 What did I know Hell, I was 26 years old, right I showed up at a presales event and waited patiently for them to open the doors. I ended up buying an 887 square foot condo (1 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom) on the 9th floor in a downtown neighborhood for 335,000. I thought even then this was an insane thing to do, but prices only go up in real estate, right Well, the next four years the prices did in fact continue upward at an alarming rate. Because this was a presale, the tower had not yet been built. It was scheduled for completion in May of 2005, and they did complete it right on target. I moved in in utter disbelief that I just bought a tiny condo in Seattle for the same price of a palatial pad with a swimming pool in Dallas, TX would have cost me. I happily lived in that small condo from May of 2005 as I watched the value on it soar into oblivion. In 2007, I began to get nervous as even the values then seemed impossible. My condo I bought on presale in 2003 for 335,000, closed on it in 2005, and was was now living in had swelled to an estimated market value of 630,000. So, I decided it was time to GTFO (get the fck out) of the market and sell. I listed the condo in May of 2007, two years almost to the day after I had moved into it. Listed it for 670,000. Two months later, I accepted an offer on it for 655,000 and sold it. That8217s a 95.5 appreciation in only a couple of years. Insanity indeed. Thankfully, I was spared having to pay any kind of capital gains tax on the proceeds I had 8220earned.8221 I did, however, end up spending about 10 to close the deal (6 to agencyrealturd fees, 2 city excise tax, 2 toward closing costs and misc items). That was a cool 254,500 in my pocket to gladly walk away from what I knew in my heart of hearts was now a falling asset value. Not too bad for some 30 year old punk like myself at the time. Needless to say, I KNEW I had done the right thing. My father had given me the advice to get out of the market as he had lived through three booms and busts in his lifetime, and he recognized this for what it was. I reluctantly took his advice and listened to my elder. Little did I know just how right he was. Apparently I had sold just 2 days after the official 8220peak of market8221 statistics indicate. The woman who bought it was some global manager at Microsoft, and now we8217re actually good friends. Unfortunately for her, the real market value of her condo today shows to be worth 405,000, just 4 12 years later. You see, the condo started losing value practically the day I sod it to her. It has been a hard-hitting market against values since then for 4 12 years. These aren8217t easy matters that flush themselves out in a matter of months or even a year or two. It takes years to resolve markets that were this out of touch, when frenzies were out of control and people acted like lemmings. Unfortunately for her, she8217s lost 38 of the value of her home8230 so far in such a short amount of time. Who knows where it will end, although there is evidence in the last several quarters that prices have flatlined here. So, it appears that prices actually DO eventually return to the mean. Looking back on the trending line, from 2005 to 2012, the condo is worth about 70,000 more today than what I had closed on it for in 2005, or about 20 higher in value. Seems a bit high still, but I had also purchased it prior to the height of the frenzy. Looking at this photo, it certainly takes me back 9 years ago to a time when the world was my oyster and nothing could harm me. I8217ve matured in those 9 years since having moved to Seattle, and today I realize just how fragile everything is around me, including the delicacy of an economy so hinged on housing lust. People, do the right thing while you can. Even if you8217d be under water, you NEED to sell ASAP and get out of the market. Your loss will only continue to compound as the housing-based economy and passtime begins to unwind. I have always respected your posts so please no offense to you but you really have to get out of the downtown core once in a while. People dont buy in burbs just because it is cheaper. Richmond Hill enjoys the highest average detached house prices in the GTA. Look it up. We have just surpassed Thornhill just south of us with that distinction. You do get more house here than in T. O proper. The 3300 sq foot home next to me just sold for 1.3 mill. It is not to far of a commute, up the natural centre of the city and will naturally, at some point, be serviced by a subway. We have public transit along Yonge St of which I can walk to. While I agree that the YongeHWY 7 area is still in high demand, and population growth in the GTA shows that the burbs are where people choose to live, your point on Richmond Hill having the highest detached house prices re-confirms my thoughts on this. Here8217s my point: even if pockets of Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Aurora, etc. are 8220the new Oakville8221 (i. e. where the richer families of the GTA live), this new development with the silly lineups is essentially a commodity 8212 North Toronto has built tens of thousands of similar houses in the exact same area over the past 10-20 years8230 and there is NO reason that these should be priced 40 higher than the average GTA house. From what I8217ve noticed, there are 2 types of developments in the GTA that get lineups: 1) Condo developments downtown 2) Cheaper house developments in places like Milton and even Brampton. If we8217re seeing these lineups to pay 700k for what appears to be a pretty standard development project in North Toronto, this tells me that the insanity has spread to the entire GTA, and we8217re pretty much at the climax of this cheap debt ponzi scheme. With 8220normal8221 mortgage rates of say 6-7 instead of sub-3, what would the price of these places be Do all of these buyers have incomes that can support a 600k mortgage 130 househornyhousewife on 02.23.12 at 10:44 am So what are you telling us here. That a large majority of people are idiots who will blindly follow the latest trend. Well duh. They8217re over eighteen so who cares. As long as my tax dollars don8217t have to be used to save their sorry asses in the future. that8217s my one and only concern. Otherwise, they can spend millions to purchase an igloo in the spring for all I care. Personally I think this is pathetic and irresponsible people like that deserve what8217s coming. No sympathy from my end. nothing but sheer apathy. 40 SHANKS: 822082308230its a lot like Richmond BC from what I hear. It is also known as China Town North, and with reason. There are commercial areas there where you will not find a sign in English (or French for that matter), and might even be hard pressed to find someone who can or will speak English :)8221 I avoid Richmond, BC 8212 actually feel unwelcome. Flyer in my mailbox today from a local realturd, announcing the sale of 300 Gladstone in West end TO. It8217s a plain semi, kind of ugly from the outside actually, seemed to be seeping a little bit into the ground, across the street from the Cadbury chocolate factory parking lot, and a stone8217s throw from Dufferin Mall. You get the picture. List 669,000 Sale EIGHT FIFTY FIVE. shakes head 133 truth hammer on 02.23.12 at 11:05 am BC government sets zero down as what risk does the buyer take with no skin in the game This is all taxpayer money set alight . 134 GuyInBurnaby on 02.23.12 at 11:16 am Garth, what I was trying to say in my previous post was that people keep saying RH is middle of nowhere. I8217m saying that for the Chinese community, it is somewhere8230it8217s near Chinatown. That8217s where they want to be. Not every one wants to live at YongeLawrence. To many Asians, living in RH is what they strive for8230are they paying too much EVERYONE is paying too much nowadays whether they are buying here or there8230 I too remember 1989 well and the ensuing carnage that followed, although it would seem almost everyone else has forgotten. This time methinks the carnage will be even worse. I live by the following mantra and it has served me very well: 8220Mohammed does not go to the mountain. The mountain comes to Mohammed8221. Dude you have such a tenuous grip on reality it is a border line mental health issue. You accept and publish views consistent with your doom scenario but omit that which you deem not in line with your little book world. Have you massively shorted some home builders stock Typical Canknucklehead, 2-faced BS. Grow a pair loser. In USA rich are waking away from million dollars houses goo. gljdedG while home prices at at lowest point in more than 10 years goo. glWv1ku while in Canada Barry Fenton, President amp CEO of Lanterra Developments, tells BNN macro-level analysts are wrong about a housing and condo bubble in Toronto8230 goo. glHLCkF while BOC The is warning saying Canadians could 8220experience a significant shock if house prices were to reverse8221. goo. gl7xu8x 15 truth hammer 8220whats the point of an RRSP in the first place as in reality a net net savings account producing the same returns woul garner the same returns8221 Not exactly. In a non-registered account you have to pay taxes on your returns (interest or dividends) each year. In an RRSP you can reinvest 100 of your returns and compound the interest. After a few years this will make a difference. As Garth said, you should keep Canadian dividend-producing assets out of your RRSP if you have a large enough portfolio. Non-Canadian dividends don8217t get the same tax credit, so they have a place in an RRSP. I wonder how many of those ppl are legit buyers or if they are being paid to be there. I8217ve heard many stories in Calgary of people being paid at 8216events8217 like this to try and create some false hype. 66 terces 8211 You8217re high off your ass if you think anything is going to happen to the Oil Sands. 2 words. China amp India. Ted Turner, Robert Redford and HP can cry all they want over them, but the fact is, there are about 6.9Billion people on this earth that are salivating over this oil and any oil they can get their hands on to fuel their lives. Back in 2009 when the Global economy tanked and Oil dropped to 30 barrell, do you know what happened in Fort McMurray Things slowed down to a nearly manageable pace where you could actually think a little bit, and since then it8217s steadily increased more and more, and will continue to. It doesn8217t matter if the new pipelines are built yet8230 They WILL be built. Why Bc the oilsands are fueling Canada and the world. Fort McMurray is about the only place in Canada with sky-high house prices that are nearly justified. Why Simple supply and demand. There are no houses or land to supply the worlds largest construction project. 143 Otto Doppelganger on 02.23.12 at 11:50 am So I open up my mailbox today and what do I see This week8217s Maclean8217s with a cover story of the 8220Real Estate Crisis8221 with a caricature of a suburban house burning in flames. Garth8217s message is now officially mainstream. Very mainstream. One poster said it best about how as quickly as the herd follows a trend upwards as quickly they will follow it down too. How many Asians does it take to buy the whole Canada There are 2.5 billion or so of them in total. I looks like as long as the Gov allows them to invest here the bubble will keep getting bigger. Jobs went to Asia, they made are making the money and now buying us out until we become so poor that we would have to look for another continent. Ahhh the new era slaves, the times have changed and so have the types of slaves. Us Did you just crawl out of 1934 8211 Garth Vancouver and Toronto RE bRE-x 89 Rachel 8211 condo on 02.23.12 at 2:17 am Garth hates people like you. Speckers and flippers like you drive the market out of reach for lower income families. You just took on huge risk. If I were you, I would try to sell it now as an assignment sale. Some developers have it in the contract where you cannot sell it before completion. You might find a greater fool now as the spring rush is just around the corner. In Van there will be no rush, you still might have time to dig yourself out. Bigrider don8217t forget Vellore Woods in Woodbridge. Originally it was supposed to mimic Kleinburg village8230 Instead it became monster homes (some with roman pillars) on tiny lots with backyards so tiny you could reach over the back fence from your patio. One fenced off area full of protected forest8230.heritage lot. Sprawl, a packed strip mall. Streets with no sidewalks, and crowded driveways. And you can hear people screaming on the Wonderland roller coaster across the 400. A mess, and future ghetto all for start price of 600k. I was speaking to an owner of a condo in our Vancouver complex (we lease) about how slow the units in his tower were selling, about 30 in over a year, occupancy is about 20. They bought pre-construction in 2006 for 540,000, the asking prices have been dropped to 489,000 and are still not selling. herd mentality: you know when an electron moves from one orbit to another it does so instantaneously with no intermediate state. The housing market is like that: the market is moving up, the market is moving down, there is no intermediate state. Well except that the housing market in Vancouver is moving down but in Toronto it8217s moving up. This situation won8217t last. gt108 I am from Malaysia on 02.23.12 at 8:32 am According to the sale and purchase agreement, the company would buy back the land from us with a return of 60, 80 or 100 within two to five years,8221 Chin told a press conference at the Selangor MCA Public Service and Complaints Department yesterday. That really sounds like it was a scam from the very beginning. How can anyone promise returns like that and be legit Speaking of frenzies, BC real estate is about to take off with the 10K tax credit for first time new home buyers. Of course, seniors like us are ecstatic that we can get a 1K tax credit towards renos 8211 I think we may just get back into the market. But wait, what8217s this 8211 increased fees and rate hikes for everything Selling off what8217s left of the provincial assets (ie. taxpayer owned), stealing 2.1 billion from ICBC and Hydro at the same time rates are increasing to cover 8216shortfalls8217 Wow, guess it8217s another 2 years of renting, or longer I8217d rather stick with the Professors8217 teachings than risk everything for a piece of RE in BC. Oh8230and Garth, stop ragging about the coming collapse in Vancouver. After all they have a large industrial, sorry that8217s Ontario and Quebec, they have none..but they have an enormous agricultural industry8230.oops, sorry again, that8217s the prairies8230..well, they are the financial heartland of Canada8230.again, sorry that would be Ontario8230..there8217s the fisheries and forestry8230oops, forgot they destroyed those8230.oh well, they DO have rain, some tourism, lots of debt, granola, birkenstocks and lots of realtors and real estate can only increase in value there8230. Actually, since early times, smart hunters have let game come to them. Staking out watering holes and salt licks allowed one to rest and enjoy the day, while achieving a high success rate. Less smart hunters would tire out from all the fruitless 8216hunting8217 and often starve. 157 Uncle Scrooge on 02.23.12 at 1:21 pm Here is an article on CNBC about NYC. Their ghost inventory is about to put the scare into property owners. New York Housing Market Could Still Collapse: Analyst Where have I seen this before8230.8221People were purchasing bulbs at higher and higher prices, intending to re-sell them for a profit. However, such a scheme could not last unless someone was ultimately willing to pay such high prices and take possession of the bulbs. In February 1637, tulip traders could no longer find new buyers willing to pay increasingly inflated prices for their bulbs. As this realization set in, the demand for tulips collapsed, and prices plummetedthe speculative bubble burst.8221 History like Karma is a Bitch. 119 -) aka DA on 02.23.12 at 9:41 am Smoking Man said at post 43 on 02.22.12 at 11:23 pm when are you going to figure out the herd is dumb, but to go against its sentiment is even dumber. I am a firm believer in negatives of the herd-mentality but I read this and I thought it must have some value as herds have successfully been around for eons. I was channel surfing the other night and ended up watching a cheesy re-enactment of the Buffalo Jump (en. wikipedia. orgwikiBuffalojump ) and a light bulb went on. The herd under natural circumstances (e. g. wildebeasts on the serengeti) survive as a whole but herds that are 8220herded82218230well, look-out below. 8220where a giant supply of useless farmland is being dug up to house families who worry about food costs8221 Garth, with regularity I am impressed by your writing. This one line is not only written well, but makes me think on it. And think even more. There8217s the irony of the statement. There8217s using the word 8220useless8221 to describe 8220farmland8221 that is so sad, leading one to wonder how and why that came to be. Forget about farm land. Scientists now are making artificially grown meat in labs. Now that is something to worry about. 156Form Man on 02.23.12 at 1:18 pm I never said, nor meant to imply that you need not have talent to be a successful hunter. That is precisely how I earn a living using my talents as a successful hunter to help those who are not so capable themselves in that arena where I forage. Your suggestion that smart hunters have let game come to them is really quite descriptive of but one component of my well thought out plan designed to achieve the result my principle is after. So you see, again we agree. Let8217s be clear about this. I am no real estate pounder BUT reality is reality. As we get more and more immigrants coming into the city they actually desire a place to live that isn8217t 500 sf of condo junk. Who can blame them. They cannot find a single decent home south of the 401 for under 700K so what do they do. It is obvious. Now add to this group the 30 somethings who own cars and can work anywhere there is access to a highway and voila you get a surge in interest in decent 8220affordable8221 homes. 10 years ago your parents would have easily been heard to say. 8221are you nuts buying a place for 500 grand8230 you will never get your money out8221 Where is that logic today. With cheap money comes debtors PERIOD. Better to be in debt for a home with real land than air in the sky. I have been reading this blog for some 4 years or so and do believe that a correction is in the offing EVENTUALLY. BUT until interest rates spike or a whole pile of people die and leave tons of housing vacant in and around the city I simply don8217t see prices abating. So here it is8230 rather than people waiting for prices to drop in areas that they desire or buying a tiny condo for a family of 3 or 4 they do what many people a generation before us did8230 they move farther away from the core. My mother did and all of her brothers and sisters. It is all based upon affordability and lifestyle. I know alot of people who live outside the city and only commute in for a meeting or on odd occasions 8230. the rest of the time they work at home. So Garth has some rethinking to do. EVERYONE ELSE cannot be WRONG ALL THE TIME CAN THEY. The American 128 Interesting story Thankl. And I notice it happened not in the epicentre of the US RE debacle, but in Seattle, a prosperous city with an actual economy8230. BC you8217re in for one hell of a ride. I agree with both. Especially that there seems to be hype in certain specific areas in price gaps. Developers preyingtargeting on consumer type. Perhaps in RichmondHill the project was hyped to Chinese newspapers, with price point set higher. In Woodbridge we have a townhouse new builds on LangstaffKipling. They were marketed to Italo Cdn young professionals. Filled with upgrades. They are asking8230750k for resales. Units originally sold for 650 2 yrs ago. It makes no sense, especially in context that a older home in a better location in central Woodbridge can be purchased for 550k. But will have its own full driveway, large treed lot, garage8230yes, it will need renovation. But to buy a freehold new built townhouse for nearly 800k is insane Nothing makes sense. It8217s based on image, prestige. All which will be washed away when the new shine gets rubbed off in a few years. King City has three new developments opening. 65ft fronts (uncertain depth, but I doubt more than 150ft). Starting price82301.6 mil. No amenities, no parks, schools, transit8230..nothing. Too far to walk to anything, country roads. Try to search MLS listings for Southern Oakville in range between 1 mill. and up. You8217ll be amazed how many houses awaiting new owners. 156Form Man on 02.23.12 at 1:18 pm Oh and one more thing Form Man I think we must both agree Fieldgate Homes, one of the subjects of this Garths most recent blog, has done a mighty fine job of letting the game come to them. A 8220salt licks8221 by any other name8230 What you dont see is the majority of those asians are HIRED ham8217s pumping the development. the ones that buy are the ones that got suckered. you allow posts like 150 to be posted that have racist undertones yet you have deletedcensored many of my posts in the past that talked about undocumented population growth. Why You worried that the growth in temp workers international studentsexpired illegals here will affect the bottom line of banks, telecoms, etc aka domestic equities Better to leave it under the table and allow posts like 150 to be freely posted. That post slipped through, and has been deleted. 8212 Garth Interesting post Garth, I made a comment few days back about this and you deleted my post only to write about it yourself These houses all sold in few hours as I told you. 45 foot lot by 89 2500 sqf sold for 820. Considering closing fees, blinds, appliances and etc these buyers will be at 860 and that is with no upgrades. The same house on the market with appliances, shutters, air conditioning and. can be bought for 730 and it is not selling Try and explain that to me 171 Mister Obvious on 02.23.12 at 2:53 pm I sometimes listen to the CBC Radios Early Edition in Vancouver (with host Rick Cluff). Rick seems a smart enough guy who is not afraid to ask pointed questions of guests. This morning they had an economist on from UBC to give her opinions of the recent austerity budget brought just down by the BC Liberal government. That went fine until Rick played a clip of a young person describing the 10,000 tax break for 8216first time buyers of new housing8217 as a cynical and meaningless gesture from a desperate government trying to inject a little upside into a very dismal budget. The economists had no response. She claimed no expertise whatsoever regarding the issuance of tax breaks to potential home owners and how that might have any effect on the economy positive or negative. No Comment. Tippy-toe. I wish the CBC had called Garth. Fat Chance. I find it amusing that people who have had no real investment experience nor success long term and eschew risk are suddenly 8216to be listened to8217 in the field of investing because they happened to buy a house a few years back. I also find it amusing that the people who bought said houses did so at the urging of realturds who by definition of holding their slimy jobs show prima facie evidence of having been not financially successful in their own lives. The blind leading the blind. Everyone gets what is coming to them. Regarding several posts commenting about brainwashed Canadian sheeple and politically correct, social - engineered schools and so forth I would like to take this opportunity to point out that lots of very intelligent, far-sighted people at the time this poison called liberalism was just getting it8217s tentacles around the country repeatedly warned about the disaster that would envelope the country if this mental disease called liberalism was allowed to run unchecked8230 They were called various names like racists, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists etc. etc. etc. and shouted down by the shrill screams of the socialists ( liberals ). IF, and that is a BIG IF, we ever get this country running on logic, common sense and reason again maybe people will learn from the past and liberalism will be buried and read it8217s last rights 8211 but knowing Canada and it8217s population of people like Herb and Form Man 8230 I doubt it 8230 8220Brace for Debt Shock8221 8211 BOC8217s latest warning 1 hour ago: I still don8217t think it8217s sinking into the general public, after seeing this latest GTA idiocy. 175 Lostinthewilderness on 02.23.12 at 3:12 pm Don8217t have to stand in line to buy these. Could even cover the purchase with your credit card for some of them. Make way for the Canadian sheep, soon to be surprised when the clippers come out. There will ne mutton and wool all over the forest. I spoke with a RE developer yesterday in Calgary. Pitching me a 2500 sq foot home for 539K. Was playing Columbo, you know stupid, and told her I was confused hearing there is a massive debt bubble in Canada. Her response was the correction is over, because this same house was 800K in 2008. Not sure what to make of the convo. Carney warning about household debt, again. 15 truth hammer the writer of this story need to go back to school, or study tax laws, what he fails to realize, is the money you get back from defferring tax, if invested, will also be taxed. think about it, put it into your RRSP you will pay tax on it later, invest outside, still pay tax, unless it is invested in the TFSA. Which goes to prove the TFSA is still better than the RRSP. How about putting dividend stocks in your TFSA that makes sense, pay no tax. You beat me to it. I haven8217t had time to post but I thought that line was brilliant. One of Garth8217s best 8211 IMO. We started most of our communities around the best farmland in the country and then paved over it. Future generations will think we were idiots for this fact alone. 8220The buyers were handed opportunity82218230 seems to imply some kind of natural market move only the informed pro8217s could understand8230lol I guess the announcement (that week) that The Fed was about to dump 1.25 Trillion in liquidity through the 5 largest banks, ensuring rock bottom interest rates and rising equities (what were the chances investment banks might just buy a few stocks at rock bottom prices with that windfall8230 and their spankin8217 new Holding Co designation giving them unlimited loans at zero interest) for the foreseeable future, was just a coincidence. And of course, since I8217m not a 8220Pro,8221 I sold most of my stocks8230 and bought Gold at 900, along with several miners 181 Canadian Watchdog on 02.23.12 at 3:28 pm 133 truth hammer Young man with two skilled jobs who can8217t afford more then 15,000 says it all. It seems odd that one cannot discuss the phenomenon seen both in Vancouver and now apparently Toronto of massive uptake of new real estate by Asians. If your point is something other than the idea that these purchasers are local immigrants caught up in the real estate frenzy, you8217re subject to a personal attack. Too bad because we are caught in unusual times where money is moving from the old world to the new in a variety of legal and illegal ways and may end up prolonging or suspending the real estate market and possibly causing a dislocation in the market (as is currently the case in Vancouver). It would be better to learn something about the nature of this money without the launch of idiotic personal attacks. I was there. The picture with the guy in a toque signing, he was the first in line. Interesting note, the day after the JF opening, the Copper Hills development in Newmarket sold 10 lots. Garth wondered if you would comment or please post on Canada8217s long-term social outlook and how this might be influencing the market today. Considering in this post with what appears to be a mad rush of Asians in a panic to nail down their asset. This is central to their mindset 8211 success at all cost or risk humiliation to the family. Consider the rampant overbuilding in many areas across the country particularly in small condos. Consider that Lower Mainland BC is strongly Asian. These are not only large scale economic but social forces as well which point to future trends. Comment on: Is Canada being turned into China West If so, we could see endless numbers of foreigners easily swamping the original population all over, as happened to the natives when white man came to America. Is Canada simply becoming a new fascist regime, of the corporatations for the corporations If so what is the long-term prognosis regarding RE if endless numbers of people are willing to come here just to carve out an existence because much of the rest of the World is in much worse shape Canada is resource rich, land rich, but population very very small like Australia. Comment on do you see Canada becoming the new slave state, if potentially in years ahead RE would collapse and they would use the purposely overbuilt condo market as the new housing for the corporate slave citizens Please comment or post on those in higher circles have a plan for Canada, and that plan is playing out right before our eyes. Our borders are going, our sovereignty is fading rapidly. If you follow Agenda 21, the long-term 8220plan8221 for the World is that ultimately that no one will own RE at all. 135 disciple8217s post reads, 8220Those who supplied children for paedophilia to Prince Philip were invited into the heroin trafficking ring.8221 The Queen and her husband are trafficking children and heroin I am no monarchist but what is this doing on this blog The comment has been deleted. Disciple is on a short lease. 8212 Garth 186 Canadian Watchdog on 02.23.12 at 3:43 pm Chart: GTA Home Sales By Price Range As a Percent Of Total Sales. Victor on 02.23.12 at 3:19 pm Carney warning about household debt, again. It is called: 8220Let8217s try to deflate the bubble SLOWLY..8221 I can8217t hear someone say sheeple without thinking of this, 88 Nostradamus Le Mad Vlad Does anybody actually read his posts Talk about useless. The rants are akin to the Mummar Gaddafi speaches to the UN. Nobody really gives a flying purple8230. what happened to the 8216n8217 in your name I am pleased to report that I agree with you. You are correct to doubt that neo-conservatism will ever overthrow liberalism in Canada. 154 Snowboid on 02.23.12 at 1:07 pm wrote: Speaking of frenzies, BC real estate is about to take off with the 10K tax credit for first time new home buyers. Of course, seniors like us are ecstatic that we can get a 1K tax credit towards renos I think we may just get back into the market. That stupid tax credit should be called the new home sellers subsidy because it won8217t be the first time buyers who end up with the cash: it8217ll be the construction industry. इसके बारे में सोचो। Without the tax credit the First Time Buyer can afford 500K and so pays 500K to the Developer for a house. Then the FTB claims nothing on his tax return. End result is that the FTB is down 500K while the Developer is up 500K. With the tax credit the FTB can afford 510K and so pays 510K to the developer for a house. Then the FTB claims 10K on his tax return. End result is that the FTB is down 500K while the Developer is up 510K. So the FTB may claim the tax back but who really got the money At least the senior gets to keep the benefit of the 1K for renos. The FTB just gets the same house that they would have bought anyway. But I have to agree with your points about selling off whats left of the provincial assets. To pay for this sort of crap It8217s criminal. How about doing some research for us DA The Tuscany Villas project in West Kelowna ( a photo of which was posted on this blog a few months ago with its 50 off signs ), was supposedly sold out in one day. I just drove by there and the sales office has sandwich board signs out directing buyers to the 50 off condos823082308230..months after 8216selling out8217823082308230wtf 193 Waterloo Resident on 02.23.12 at 4:19 pm its all BORROWED MONEY, so who cares If prices for these homes goes down, just declare bankruptcy and WALK AWAY from your debt, its as simple as that. And believe me, if prices of houses crash, I guarantee you that 95 of these people WILL declare personal bankruptcy and WALK AWAY from their mortgages, 100 sure of that Bank of Canada worries about potential for debt shock Noteable BOC Flaherty Quotes from article 8220It isn8217t necessary for everyone to have the most expensive house they can possibly buy.82218221 8220experience a significant shock if house prices were to reverse8221. 8220The evidence indicates that a significant share of borrowed funds from home-equity extraction was used to finance consumption and home renovation in Canada from 1999 to 20108221 8220Such indebtedness constitutes an important source of risk to household spending, since it makes households more vulnerable to a potential decline in house prices8221 82208230since rising house prices can facilitate the accumulation of debt. Households could therefore experience a significant shock if house prices were to reverse8221 unaware. fake election calls. oh the robo did it Transcript of a bogus call sent to a voter in Guelph on federal election day, May 2, 2011. This is an automated message from Elections Canada. Due to a projected increase in voter turnout, your poll location has been changed. Your new voting location is at the Old Quebec Street Mall, at 55 Wyndham Street North. Once again, your new poll location is at the Old Quebec Street Mall, at 55 Wyndham Street North. If you have any questions, please call our hotline at 1-800-443-4456. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. (French version recorded in another womans voice follows.) 85 Monster Cookie on 02.23.12 at 2:03 am To get rid of an imposter come out with a scathing racist post. It worked for me. 73 Carpe Diem on 02.23.12 at 12:51 am Your kid is lucky to have you as a parent, you are recognizing early how much destruction these parasites called teachers can do. Difference between the president of the Bank and the guy sweeping his floors is self esteem and an I can do attitude, if your kid happens to get the wrong teacher at a critical point in life, might I suggest curling as a sport, just to get them ready for adult hood. MSM can8217t deny reality any more: Debt-ridden Canadians may find their financial security built on a house of cards: Bank of Canada. So Companies haven8217t been enforcing the law Two hundred fourteen workers were fired in December and January, as a result of a so-called silent raid, in which the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) inspected the company8217s records to find workers who don8217t have legal immigration status. ICE then demanded that the company fire them, because it said they lacked legal immigration status. Over a thousand janitors lost jobs in Minneapolis, 2,000 sewing machine operators lost jobs in Los Angeles and many more lost jobs across the country. Since the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, employers have been prohibited from hiring undocumented workers and workers themselves have been forbidden to hold jobs. To keep track of immigration status, for a quarter-century all workers in the US have had to declare their immigration status on I-9 forms when they get hired. Now, the Obama administration has made the inspection of those forms and the firing of workers who can8217t show legal immigration status a centerpiece of its immigration enforcement strategy. 173 Westerman on 02.23.12 at 2:57 pm You are one dumb hick. Do you not realize fuelling the left. right Paradyn only helps the shadow forces controlling the machine further in slave you. Btw. 175 amp 174: No wipe-out for the sheep please ) Some sheep should still service savy investors the 7.6 yield on this one: claymoreinvestments. caetffundfie. a The REITs held may survive the hit as forecloseddefaulted families need to live somewhere however, the financials may be hit harder. 202 Crazy Bank of Canada on 02.23.12 at 4:55 pm 8220Bank of Canada notes that despite the equally steep increase in home prices, affordability has remained relatively constant due to rising incomes and falling interest rates.8221 What say ye of this, Garth when are you going to figure out the herd is dumb, but to go against its sentiment is even dumber. 821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212 Gretzky, 8220The Great One8221 8220He could consistently ANTICIPATE where the puck was GOING TO BE and execute the right move at the RIGHT TIME8221. Not challenging the trend is a given. I believe the real skill lies in seeing the coming shift, before it happens, and more importantly, when it will occur. Prescient names that come to mind: Peter Schiff, Kyle Bass, and now our own Garth T. 821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212 DA, 8220The game will not come to you. If you wait for it to do so you will starve8221. 821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212821282128212 Disagree. Once positioned correctly, the 8220Game8221 will most definitely, come to me. Example: Watering hole, at dawn When Canadian RE and the economy was booming in 2007, how many made the contrarian move, to invest in PM holdings, before any crisis occurred Chasing8230..the trend, puck or Game, is folly. take care, Blacksheep Someone should put up a Blued and Tattooed parlour out front of Jefferson Forest so the hapless buyers could get the full package. Just came from BMO because I needed RRSPs. (I know, I know, but I8217d rather do this than pay stinking taxes) Anyhoo, email160protected. or the nice young man told me that the Bank of Canada has decided to leave the current interest rates as is until 2014 See Garth, I told you so Even though you8217ve lost 1 credibility, I still believe you at least 99 of the time. Just for the record, there is no such policy. The bank guy should be outed. 8212 Garth 206 Ralph Cramdown on 02.23.12 at 5:29 pm Considering closing fees, blinds, appliances and etc these buyers will be at 860 and that is with no upgrades. The same house on the market with appliances, shutters, air conditioning and. can be bought for 730 and it is not selling I wish I could dig up the source, but in the last few months I read an article about an airhead who was shopping for a condo, deciding between new and resale, and decided she8217d 8220rather have a tub that hadn8217t been used by anyone else.8221 Maybe it was a realtor plant shilling for new condos, because it8217s hard to believe otherwise. be careful of what you post in case you have to walk8230 208 Critical Mind on 02.23.12 at 5:52 pm 182 Mac, fair point. Clearly the pictures speak for themselves, but I do not feel there is a secret to the money. Many of these people are colleagues and friends, and it has been hard-won through generations of scrimping, saving, haggling, investing, and living far less indulgent lifestyles. You can browse through the local bookstores and find more copies of Napoleon Hill8230 or Robert Kiyosaki8230 than anything else8230 It permeates the education system with an obsessive drive to enroll your infant child into the hottest 8216Montessori8217 school8230 It can be seen in the ironic line-ups on any clublink golf course at the 2:00pm 8216discount8217 tee-time8230 And it is all played out in large scale through Niall Ferguson8217s concept of 8216Chimerica8217. This is the dominant money culture. The beating heart of economic determinism playing itself out in your backyard. Those wishing for some sort of reversion to the past to justify their assessment of asset prices, have simply been wasting their time. Those among us that notice, have been capitalizing for some time, and will continue to do so. Form Man 190, Eventually as the population of producers becomes smaller and smaller in proportion to the population of useless eaters the liberal holy grail of 8220take from the productive and distribute to the useless and non-productive8221 will cause it8217s own collapse8230 The productive won8217t carry you and your ilk forever8230 Smoking Man 200, At least I am sober and can spell8230which has you beat 99 of the time8230 PS where did all the ron paul nuts dissappearto Think they8217re in line in the photo above8230 glad to see you found your 8216n8217. you lost that a few days back82308230. actually I believe the Liberals are right now hatching a plot to overthrow the Harper regime. Apparently they are considering voter suppression, contempt of parliament, closure, illegal accounting (to circumvent voting rules) vote buying8230823082308230..wait, sorry823082308230..I have my political parties mixed up82308230which one is the anti-democratic totalitarian one Everybody8217s looking at you This blog has really headed south as Garth has 8220shepherded8221 the doomers to the side. Sorry guys but predicting a real estate crash ain8217t doomerism8230it is a forgone conclusion. What I shake my head at is how badly ya8217ll miss the entire friggin boat as to what is actually happening in the world. The world economic system is in full scale contraction8230and it will not stop until we are back at levels more reminescent of Europe in 1000 BC. The EROEI ratios of energy extraction are now so low that the world economic engine is seizing up for lack of real value. Massive paper money infusions have not and will not help. The rise of totalitarian regimes (in the USA and elsewheres) will not help. The occurrence of worldwide wars will not bolster any economies. I suspect that already life expectancies in the states are in free fall as people fall off the insurance, employment, entitlement bandwagons8230.objective unemployment rates are already far beyong 1930 great depression levels (we are at approx 33 listed unemployment levels). Canada is now entering the worldwide fall as the export markets collapse for energy. Regional prices needed for tar sand expansion (for example) are in excess of 85.00 dollars per barrel. True regional prices paid by petroleum refiners are only 65.00 per barrel. We do not have to worry about the enviromental inpacts of pipeline developements8230.those line will never be built8230the system is now contracting so hard that I doubt the project will even exist in 25 years. Yeah yeah I know doom doom doom8230blah blah blah8230.. Just the facts Maam actually8230.. We are screw. and are to stupid to even know it. Living standards are starting to fall in this country even as we speak 8230but it ain8217t covered on CBC, CTV and it never will be. Thanks for reminding us why doomers are tedious. And wrong. 8212 Garth 145 condo sucker Which Mclean8217s issue Whitney on the cover 145 condo sucker Which Mclean8217s issue 218 Steven Rowlandson on 02.23.12 at 6:47 pm Westernman has made a good point. With out a large number of producers creating wealth and paying taxes there must be a limit to what the non productive can get from the system with out a serious problem or an out right collapes of the system from either default or hyperinflation. The current system that depends on cheating, poor lending standards and a ZIRP is obviously unsustainable. 210 Westernman on 02.23.12 at 6:02 pm I don8217t mind personal insults, I thrive on them. But this left right thing only divides the massess so the machine can crush you while your screaming at each other. as far a spelling I can chose not too. Not indorsing system that makes tax farm slaves, No counter on the sober comment. Your right 203 Blacksheep on 02.23.12 at 4:55 pm obviously you don8217t day trade. To the best of my knowledge it did sell out. There is only one 2 bedroom, 1,247 sq. ft. unit currently for sale on MLS offered at 275,000 by someone who did buy from the developer. As they say 8220Even a broken clock is right twice a day8221. And in any event you still have to get to where the target is going to eventually be. The game is not going to come to you unless you position yourself accordingly. Gretzky did not sit on his ass and wait for the puck and I really do doubt that his uncanny ability to anticipate where the puck was going to be I would venture to suggest there were many a time he had to alter his moves. As he is also quoted, 8220You miss 100 of the shots you don8217t take8221, I suspect he took the shots and made the moves that he might capitalize on his talent. He did miss a shot or two in his career you know. If you are never failing you are not trying hard enough. Garth, I can8217t see what could possibly be wrong with my posts about Don Campbell and REIN but it is your blog. The censoring is disappointing however. He can speak for himself. 8212 Garth All your comments in response to my post I agree with. My only challenge to you or to others is this pervasive notion that living in T. O proper is somehow better and more expensive and that choosing to live in the near burbs is one made for reasons of lower cost only. Some of us do not need to be in the city or prefer not to be. Westernman on 02.23.12 at 6:01 pm this ones on me8230. I know all about that development in King City. Prices on those lots up something like 300k in a year. Middle of nowhere big ugly monsters with few upgrades. Builders making out like bandits. My point is while this one might run into overtime, the game ain8217t over and Schiff, Bass and Turner have not triumphed quite yet. Had they shut up a few years ago they most assuredly would have succeeded predicting the future to then but now three and four years later they harp on yet more when quite possibly theyve been given all they will get. I don8217t mean this to be offensive to any Asians, but looking at the 2nd photo and i notice that nearly all are east asian. Why are they soooo confident that housing is such a 8220can8217t loose8221 proposition, especially with it so clear of what loms ahead Heads up to all. New development to open at Hwy 48 and Steeles, treasure hill builder ,90 units ,2000 registered buyers. Prices are being by builder accordingly Form Man 213, Yeah, you are mixed up about which political party is the anti-democratic totalitarian one so I8217ll help you out 8230 that would be the liberals ( Socialists ) and the NDP ( pure marxism ) 8230 Simple, isn8217t it If you need any further help I8217ll be glad to continue your education in Reality 101. I consider it public service work8230 helping the intellectually underpriviledged so to speak8230 Bank of Canada notes that despite the equally steep increase in home prices, affordability has remained relatively constant due to rising incomes and falling interest rates. what are they smoking over there at the BoC your 228 certainly shows the breadth of your political wisdom, all the way from 8220A8221 to 8220B8221. Feng Shui effects the property assessment value in Richmond, it reminds me the UBC senior care home project. richmondreviewnews139907213.html 233 Nostradamus Le Mad Vlad on 02.23.12 at 8:03 pm 76 Party on Garth 8212 8220I also notice the majority of the people seemed to be in a certain age group. You ageist bastard. What do you have against people in their twenties8221 8212 Nothing. They are just making the same mistakes we did a generation ago. Some of us old farts are still making mistakes. Nothing wrong with that. 112 fancypants and 147 Mel Rossmo 8212 8220Vancouver and Toronto RE bRE-x8221 8212 Correct. Ended well for Bre-X holders, no 154 Snowboid 8212 8220Speaking of frenzies. 8221 8212 Interesting that Campbell dumped the HST on to us with one announcement (leaving next April Fool8217s Day), most people were livid that a politico had betrayed us, so we put up our own frenzy and got him booted. Now they are trying to placate us by giving us back our own money, and expecting us to take on further debt and we8217ll be al happy and satisfied again. Not a chance in hell 172 penpal 8212 8220The blind leading the blind. Everyone gets what is coming to them.8221 8212 Accurate and very true. 189 D-dawg 8212 It is possible that you have never heard of, or realize what a scroll button is for. If not, I recommend checking your owner8217s manual. That will help enormously. Beyond that, a few years of good psychotherapy should do wonders, so get help ASAP. 214 arctodus 8212 8220Living standards are starting to fall in this country even as we speak but it aint covered on CBC, CTV and it never will be. 8220Thanks for reminding us why doomers are tedious. And wrong. Garth8221 Arctodus does have a valid point, Garth. Outwardly, people appear to be doing okay, but looks can deceive. What goes on behind closed doors is another matter entirely, incl. finances. I don8217t usually promote my own work on this site. However, I have written a detailed article on the Canadian Housing Bubble CMHC, which you and your readers would probably find interesting: Keep up the good work. Well you may have found your long lost 8216n8217, but you were unable to find any reading comprehension skills. Honestly I wonder how you have made it this far in life. There must be some kind woman guiding you along82308230. 212 SRE on 02.23.12 at 6:28 pm Don8217t you realize the machine is putting out those negative RE stories to scare some inventory on the market. Before the spring rush8230 once they get it up Gloomy Re stories will fade, if they see pressure and prices actuly falling, they will blow real estae sunshine. Carney might even blow a -.025 kiss 134 GuyInBurnaby on 02.23.12 at 11:16 am8230 For small stratas the depreciation report can be onerous and expensive, but in the end it benefits all buyers who will easily be able to judge the financial shape (contingency) of a strata. Given that most older condos may require major work, this in itself could lower selling prices another 10-15. If you are buying make sure you now add the copy of the depreciation report on the list of 8216Subject Tos8217. 8220As he is also quoted, You miss 100 of the shots you dont take, I suspect he took the shots and made the moves that he might capitalize on his talent. He did miss a shot or two in his career you know.8221 Great quote DA, because throwing a puck the net and hoping for a bounce is exactly the type of strategy people should employ with their life8217s savings. Give your head a shake. गंभीरता से। 118 JamaicanGal on 02.23.12 at 9:36 am Heck with the concert, I once took a tour of the universe with an angle I met at the million dollar saloon. Tour lasted for about 8 min, then the damn peramedics revived me. What was cool, the angles name was becky, who would name such a godes becky. When we got to the centre of the universe, U had a talk with who I tought was god. But it was only that crazy little voice in my head. Good trip though Carney admits that Canadians are in a pickle8230..but predicts smooth sailing ahead for housing prices. 8220This is so good82308230it8217ll just have to be forever8230.sighhhhhh These duplicitous curmugeons can8217t admit to having created a ten year program that has run consumers into a nightmare of personal debt8230..they take no responsibility whatsoever8230.typical prices only go up82308230until they don8217t. What was that Trotsky said8230..8221while it was happening it seemed like it would never end8230.and when it was over we wondered how it had lasted so long8221. Someone else said 8221 Only those inside the bubble can8217t see it8221. 226 cto on 02.23.12 at 7:03 pm Cto I have a good friend who is Australian but of Indian descent so she8217s a bit of a cultural grab bag. One thing she said that struck me is that her mother lives in Montreal and she was amazed at how insular some groups of immigrantscultures can be. Many come to Canada and associate largely with people of their own heritage (maybe not a huge surprise). People in groups tend to do whatever their support network validates them for doing. If everyone around you pats you on the back and tells you how great it is that you are going to get into the property market, using the hundred canned phrases we hear here everyday (get in now), then it starts to seem like a pretty good idea. Then you start to become emotionally attached to the idea, so it doens8217t matter if they jack the prices 20 on sale day, I want that damn house If you start looking for it you8217ll see it quite a bit, all your friends get married around the same time, kids the same time, houses the same time. They all start wearing 5050 hats with the stickers on them8230 229 noname on 02.23.12 at 7:26 pm Bank of Canada notes that despite the equally steep increase in home prices, affordability has remained relatively constant due to rising incomes and falling interest rates. what are they smoking over there at the BoC 243 Patiently Waiting on 02.23.12 at 9:05 pm I have a sense that the Wile E. Coyote moment nears for these economically illiterate home buyers. Soon the 8220it8217s different here, real estate only goes up8221 attitude will be rudely acquainted with the 8220Economics of Gravity 1018221. But as long as they refuse to look down and see that they8217ve missed the bend in the road, I guess things will look good for a little longer. The Maclean8217s issue I was referencing with the cover story of a Cdn Real Estate crisis is the current issue, dated March 5. The one with Whitney on the cover was last issue, dated February 27. Canada8217s housing bubble: This time is not different Mass media are getting with the program as are economists not employed by Banks 246 Nostradamus Le Mad Vlad on 02.23.12 at 9:21 pm 8211 Chart Seems quite interesting Greece8217s Gold The IMF took Libya8217s as well, and Confiscated Gold going to banks Greece Didn8217t TPTB say Greece was going to be destroyed Plus Insolvent EZone banks Euro banks take hit on Greece Documented dubya, US Fed and Euro banks in US15 tri. fraud. Is this the same US15 tri. that8217s gone missing from the economy And 10:57 clip US15 tri. fraud exposed in UK House of Lords US47 mln. 8220Why were the executives who did this stock price inflation at Fannie Mae not tried and convicted of their crimes8221 wrh 2:39 clip West8217s sanctions against Iran are meaningless, as Chindia needs the oil more Pillaging Incl. the deliberate takedown of Greece. 4:20 clip 2012 election rigged. It8217s not over yet 8212 wait for Jeb Bush to appear Syria 8220Please remember: Syria is not the prize here, but rather Iran, with which it has a mutual defense pact. Should Syria be invaded by massive numbers of outside forces, Iran is treaty-bound to send in troops and this would be the 8220justification8221 for an attack against Iran.8221 wrh Monsanto Robo signing approvals, and USDA approved 8220But don8217t you DARE grow your own food in your back yard, slave8221 8212 Official White Horse Souse (wrh) US Troops 8220This has far less to do with 8220terrorists8221 than it does with which countries get access to these countries8217 wealth in oil, natural gas, and mineral resources.8221 wrh RIP Peak Oil 8220In other words, 8220Peak Oil8221, like 8220Human Caused Global Warming8221 was a hoax to scare people support for certain political agendas they otherwise would not have wasted time with. And this article does not mention Russia8217s extensive research into the true abiotic origins of oil.8221 wrh, but Oil Shock Headline here is awarded the Bovine Excrometer Medal Iran Tucker Carlson: 8220I do think Iran deserves to be annihilated, I think theyre lunatics, I think they are evil 4:04 clip ACTA uproar. what. the recession is over thank god high fuel prices will help out the consumer and spur on growth. 248 Across the Pond on 02.23.12 at 9:53 pm 134 GuyInBurnaby on 02.23.12 at 11:16 am Unlikely to make any significant difference. There is the option to vote out of the need of having one done is 75 of the owners are in agreement. I can8217t imagine too many strata owners are going to vote for the extra expense, and possible damage that a depreciation report can cause. The only way I see this making a difference is if a whole bunch of stratas start accepting these, and they become a sizable amount for banks to start shunning approving mortgages for stratas that have voted to not conduct appreciation reports. The biggest change in the SPA since it8217s introduction was the change to stop new stratas restricting rental restriction bylaws. Asians are buying up Canadian cities, particularly Vancouver. Not 1934 or a stereotype. Merely an observation based on reality. Political correctness has made Caucasian bears blind. Meanwhile, Asian bulls just continue to buy, buy, buy8230. 248 Across the Pond on 02.23.12 at 9:53 pm8230 If a medium to large strata votes to opt out (they have to redo the vote every eighteen months) that would put up big, big red flags that they are hiding something. 178 spaceman Losses cannot be written off in registered accounts. Taxes can go up impacting RRSP8217s. Changes can be made to TFSA and dividend tax credit at any time. When the government starts looking for nothing is safe. OAS at 67 Tax capital gains on primary residences It could get interesting. I8217ve got some nice tulips I know, I8217m on about demographics again but hear me out8230 Between 1980 and 1985 RE shot up like crazy, was it because the world realized how amazing Ontario place is Or could it be that the largest portion of our population hit house buying age By 1989 most of the boomers had homes and thus the market cooled. Interestingly the 25 year amortization period also arises in these earlymid 80s and here we sit 25 years (plus a couple) wondering why Why give away 30-40 year mortgages with no money down Either the banks saw their monthly income about to dip or they just really wanted to help us 8220live the dream8221. Of course there was some risk involved but FannieFreddieCHMC would take care of that. There is no hidden agenda people, no Asian take over scheme, they are Canadian and they have been told the same things we all have: own and win, rent and lose. The cheap money didn8217t come about because the bank wanted to help us, they just saw the end of the line. No liberal conspiracy, no right wing conspiracy just people looking to improvemaintain the bottom line and hope to come up a patch before it blew up in their face(or at least leave someone else in charge when it did). We gotta think long term people Plus build a time machine8230 Of course if we did have access to a time machine one of you would have gone back and killed Al Gore8217s mom thus preventing the Internet and this post. But this post is still here and so by back to the futurebill and Ted rules none of you succeeded and we can conclude that time travel shall never be possible andor Al Gore8217s mom is a ninja8230.night 254 earlymidlifecrisis on 02.24.12 at 10:37 am I can grasp the financial benefits of renting, but it ends there for me. The landlady has broken her word a 2nd time now (could easily be 3 but will let the 1st one slide as a possible miscommunication) I will shout it from the rooftops here - I WANT A HOME I want to be allowed to use the yard, have a dog, control the heat, not have a landlady say one thing and do another. Ive only been here since Nov and now have to move again. 2nd shit hole in a row now. But, cannot tolerate people with no integrity. Oh how i miss being a homeowner. I know - hungry people make poor shoppers. The next rental must be good lest i snap and buy too early. Guess who is to blame for your poor choice 8212 Garth 255 Uh Oh Canada on 02.24.12 at 12:24 pm Check this out: Trying to get a business loan from a big bank that shall remain unknown. (BMO) Run a successful business with no deficits and am trying to buy big equipment before the Spring. Can be approved for a commercial loan at 9. Huh So I can get a mortgage on a home purchase at 3.25 interest, but 9 interest for a business loan. Yes, that is why our economy will tank. PS - I8217m gonna use my TFSA instead. Thanks for letting me rant on your blog, Garth. 233 Nostradamus Le Mad Vlad Don8217t your worry, NLMV, I scroll right by those loquacious, irrelevant, passages. My musing was to understand whether others on this blog do the same. Funny thing about psychotherapy those who reccomend it are often the ones in most need of it. 8230and my advice to you: don8217t try so hard. Not everyone8217s white trash who has to show off money they don8217t have. ASIAN IMMIGRANTS WORK CRAP JOBS, SAVE EVERY PENNY THEY HAVE, INVEST, AND DEAL IN CASH. I dont think that we need rate increase to send RE down8230 they are just catalysis to speed up process8230 interesting charts shows how fuel price affect gdp and personal income gasoline price vs gdp, goo. glt6IHc and disposable income vs gas prices goo. glZYnrV The buyers looks like they just arrived from China

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